Topic: Recruitment Campaign
Order Description
This assignment requires you to provide a direct answer to the set question:
‘Take the job you analysed in the previous assignment (or another, should you wish), and develop an appropriate recruitment strategy, designed to obtain a suitable pool of appointable candidates.
Develop appropriate materials for the recruitment strategy. Provide a clear, logical document that can be easily read and understood by a manager who does not have any familiarity with HR.’
The output/ deliverables for this assignment
A report that outlines a proposal of the best way to recruit a pool of suitable candidates. It will explain why you have chosen that approach. It will also contains the basic material that could be used in an actual campaign.
You do NOT need to actually undertake the recruitment. You are merely preparing the plan and justification for such a recruitment approach
The set question:
‘Take the job you analysed in the previous assignment (or another, should you wish), and develop an appropriate recruitment strategy, designed to obtain a suitable pool of appointable candidates.
Develop appropriate materials for the recruitment strategy. Provide a clear, logical document that can be easily read and understood by a manager who does not have any familiarity with HR.’
This is the one you looked at in Assignment 1!
Yes, you can update, develop and amend the assignment 1 position description and specification
Or, if you found a better/ more suitable job, use that one (but you will still need to have a job analysis for that position)
Assessment feedback
School of Management
BUSS 3082 Staffing Organisations
Assignment 2 – Recruitment Campaign
Weighting 25% Due: 15 May 2016 by 11 pm
Student name:
The Graduate qualities being assessed by this assignment are:
Operates effectively with and upon a body of knowledge of sufficient depth to begin professional practice in understanding and analysing existing business practice (QC1); is prepared for life-long learning in pursuit of personal development and excellence in professional practice by applying existing knowledge and skills to understand organisational business practice to identify better methods for undertaking student pre-employment preparation (QC2); is an effective problem solver, capable of applying logical, critical, and creative thinking to a range of problems, by analysing interview data and proposing business practices that meet social, legal, ethical and business needs (QC3); can work both autonomously and collaboratively as a professional, by undertaking a limited research task that requires a combination of individual effort and group work (QC4); communicates effectively in professional practice and as a member of the community, demonstrated through interviewing and report writing (QC6)
Assessment Criteria ? Needs work Satisfactory Excellent
Does the strategy identify appropriate target groups?
Does the strategy identify feasible means of promoting the position?
Identifies appropriate recruitment source(s)
Utilises appropriate recruitment source(s)
Does the recruitment material recognise the appeal (or lack of appeal) of the positon and organisation?
Is the recruitment material as appealing as it could be (given the limitations of the job and organisation?
Is the approach to developing a recruitment pool appropriate for the position?
Does the recruitment approach acknowledge potential applicant reactions?
Appropriate use of realistic job preview
Appropriate use of employee referral
Appropriate use of employee value proposition
Clear and logical explanation
Could the document be easily understood by a manager with limited understanding of HR?
Is the approach realistic and practical?