Imagine your-self interviewed an accounting student and he chose the Bookkeeper Job Description to be interviewed on what are 10 question (situational and behavioral questions, scoring, and weighting) you will ask her, and another thing the course am taking is human resource so try please to relate the questions also to human resource field.
When you write the questions, explain questions, scoring, and notes and include questions with notes and scoring in appendices, keep the scoring positive like 4 out of 5 , and put it in the appendices
Just follow the required elements and important when u make the 10 interview questions make them situational and behavioral, scoring and weighting. Thank you for the help.
Awarded Grading Criteria Required Elements Comments
Interview invitation and
/10 8-10 excellent
6.1-7.9 good
5-6 satisfactory
0-4.9 below expectation -confirmed applicants’ name(s)
-outlined day, time, and location of interviews and rationale for each logistical step
Interview questions
/40 24-30 excellent
21-23.9 good
15-20.9 satisfactory
0-14.9 below expectation -job related interview questions, scoring guide, and weighting based on the candidates’ selected job description
-reliable and valid interview questions, scoring, and weighting
– job related interview notes
– explain questions, scoring, and notes
– include actual completed interview questions with notes and scoring in appendices
Interview analysis
/20 16-20 excellent
13-15.9 good
10-12.9 satisfactory
0-9.9 below expectation -discussion of challenges and areas of improvement during the design and interviewing processes
-discussion of successes
-discussion of lessons learned
Bookkeeper Job Description: The bookkeeper position creates financial transactions and creates financial reports from that information. The creation of financial transactions includes posting information to accounting journals or accounting software from such source documents as invoices to customers, cash receipts, and supplier invoices. The bookkeeper also reconciles accounts to ensure their accuracy.
• Purchase supplies and equipment as authorized by management
• Monitor office supply levels and reorder as necessary
• Tag and monitor fixed assets
• Pay supplier invoices in a timely manner
• Take all reasonable discounts on supplier invoices
• Pay any debt as it comes due for payment
• Monitor debt levels and compliance with debt covenants
• Issue invoices to customers
• Collect sales taxes from customers and remit them to the government
• Ensure that receivables are collected promptly
• Record cash receipts and make bank deposits
• Conduct a monthly reconciliation of every bank account
• Conduct periodic reconciliations of all accounts to ensure their accuracy
• Maintain the petty cash fund
• Issue financial statements
• Provide information to the external accountant who creates the company’s financial statements
• Assemble information for external auditors for the annual audit
• Calculate and issue financial analysis of the financial statements
• Maintain an orderly accounting filing system
• Maintain the chart of accounts
• Maintain the annual budget
• Calculate variances from the budget and report significant issues to management
• Comply with local, state, and federal government reporting requirements
• Process payroll in a timely manner
• Provide clerical and administrative support to management as requested
The bookkeeper candidate should have a business administration diploma in accounting, as well as a knowledge of bookkeeping and generally accepted accounting principles. Preference will be given to candidates with a working knowledge of accounting software package.
Reference Accounting tools. (2012). Retrieved from