I ONLY NEED A PARAGRAPH! NOT ONE PAGE. PLEASE RETURN TO ME IN NO MORE THAN 5 HOURS IF POSSIBLE. THIS SHOULD NOT TAKE LONG. I AM STILL PAYING FOR A PAGE BUT ONLY REQUIRE A PARAGRAPH.***I asked for the same instructions in my last order. Please refer to my previous paper for guidance.***Please write a BRIEF overview of a recent (within the past week!!) article in the Wall Street Journal. You can pick the article, BUT it absolutely has to abide by these rules:The article must be within the PAST WEEK."Do not merely restate the article, however, tell me why it is a strategic decision. One paragraph to one page is adequate. Strategic decisions impact the organization as a whole, not simply one product, service or customer group. Examples include: Mergers/Acquisitions, spinoff, Top Management Team changes, CEO changes, Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliances, etc. "Needs to be between 1/2 to 3/4 page. 1 page is NOT required.Here is a sample of what it should look and be like:"Dimon Defends Restructuring and Management Changes"Following the trading crisis that resulted in loss of more than $6 billion, a large turnover has taken place among the top ranks of JP Morgan. CEO, Jamie Dimon, has restructured his advisory board. His eight closest advisers have all left their positions since the crisis. Included in this group are the members who were responsible for the large trading loss. Dimon??s salary has also been cut 50% from $23 million to $11.5 million.Dimon has stated that this strategic reorganization is for ??better coordination?plus, it??ll help us deal with the new regulatory environment.? He added, ??the Chief Investment office, where the trading loss occurred, had been fixed, totally 100%.?These changes will certainly impact JP Morgan as a whole. Although large-scale turnover is usually viewed in a negative light, especially in regards to such high ranking employees, Dimon believes that the new management team is very good. ??I think it??s an exceptional management team."Please cite which article was used so that I can locate it myself