Director Duties
October 11, 2020
Annotated bibioliography for 3 Articles
October 11, 2020

rebuttal argument

Topic   rebuttal argument

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For this assignment you will be writing a rebuttal argument (find out
what this is), locate an essay or opinion piece in a major newspaper
(New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal) or magazine
(The Atlantic Monthly,, Colorlines Magazine). Most of these
publications can be found online.
Find a piece expressing an opinion you disagree with, and write a
response to it, arguing for a different point of view or a different
solution to a problem than the one proposed by the writer.
This paper should be 4-5 pages. Must include a variety of at least
four outside sources and use MLA style citation, both in-text and in a
works cited page. One of these sources should be the opinion piece or
essay that you’re responding to. You should include at least one
visual element (a photo or a graph or something else).