Reasons why Erich Fromm considers Marx a humanist from his text, “Marx’s theory of man.”
Humanism basically centres on the ability of man to be able to achieve everything they set their mind to and rejects the notion of supernatural influence in man’s being. It is concerned with mans interest and welfare. Erich Fromm, in his works, believes that Karl Marx has been misunderstood. In defence to his belief that Karl Marx was indeed a humanist, he makes references especially to Marx’s concept of materialism and socialism. Fromm argues that Karl Marx reference to materialism was not in terms of accumulation wealth as persieved by majority of society, but rather it signifies that mans ideas and desires are brought about by the way in which he produces. Marx believed men to be the “authors and actors of their history,” meaning that man is the creator of his own history. Fromm states that Marx wanted man to realize his full individualism. In other words, a mans individuality determines that which he produces.
In Erich Fromms research, he says that Karl Marx’s idea of socialism was not about man returning to his authentic simplicity but rather the realization of mans sole existence. Marx depicted socialism to be the creation of conditions for fully independent man. Fromm could not understand why people thought Marx to be against freedom, when his ‘concept on socialism’ clearly advocated for mans independence. socialism for Marx, was that which serves mans real needs; meaning those needs without which he cannot realize his full potential. Most modern companies apparently focus on mans neurotic needs, rather than those which are actually good for his well being. Karl Marx’ intentions were to make man distinguish between real needs and false needs. He clearly stated that when capital ceazes to exploit mans neurotic needs, and productions aim becomes fully for the service of man, then can we truly say that socialism has been achieved.