Project instructions:
Use a 12 pt font that is easy to read, Double-space your assignment. Use 1-inch margins for the top, bottom, left, right margins of your paper include page numbers on
all pages of the assignment.
Identify its major arguments and concepts, evaluate the arguments within the context of that week’s readings and the course, and consider her own position in relation
to the material.
Do not include a title page for these reflections; write a proper bibliographic citation at the top of the page and include your name student number, and date in the
header of your document
The question to consider when writing:
What is this text about? what is the author’s argument? How effective is the text in presenting a persuasive argument? Think about the evidence the author uses to
support her argument, the methods she uses to construct her argument, and how she accounts for privilege and oppression in her text.
What is the relationship between the text I selected and the other readings within this week theme? What is my response to the text? What parts of my own experience
inform this response? What questions does this text raise? (Not that you need to identify two questions) please note that you could probably write two pages on each of
these questions! Therefore, the trick will be to address these questions holistically in one coherent piece of writing, rather than address each question at a time
I will provide the article and please just use the article and use it to reference also