reading journal of ” a piece of cake” (chap.34-43) by cupcake brown

The produce manager at a grocery store claims that Granny Smith apples weight a mean of 4 ounces. (FYI: Granny Smith apples
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Dicussing how Robert Young describes postcolonial studies, and how this connects to Adichie’s TED lecture on story-telling and writing
June 7, 2020

reading journal of ” a piece of cake” (chap.34-43) by cupcake brown

‘1 . When itcomes to automobiles, it isn‘t easy being

green. Despite winning the 2008 Green Car of the
1,, 1- ‘_ ‘ r; Year award for its Chevy Tahoe Hybrid, General
7′ :5 Motors has been questioned about its dedication
p , ‘4 1 ‘ – to green manufacturing. Critics gained ammunition
525″‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘a,’ ., .. ‘ i when GM vice chairman Robert Lutz doubted

fl ‘ ‘,____ l p I ‘ publiclythathumans cause climate change.

a‘ x I‘ 1,-‘ x _~ ‘ ‘L,;-_. ?L_- – V ._~ _a-II ‘ calling global warming a totai crock. Butwhen
a. f ‘ ‘- ‘ _ _r_,~ H activists began u-sing the comments to paint GM
i – ‘ _ i ‘- -5.! as environmentally irresponsible, Lutz quickly
i L.‘ l – – i 7 . responded on the company’s biog. stating that
I ‘ ‘ 1 his views were personal and did not reflect GM
policy. in what situations might companies choose
I ‘ . to communicate with the public using blogs?
J31′ _V
Electronic °‘ -° ‘5 i
After studying this chapter, you should be able to
U Understand how organizations exchange paper-based and electronic messages. I
O Know when to send and how to organize e-mail messages and memos. i CoI‘I‘Il1′lI-lniC3fing with PaPer’Ba5ed Messages
O Describe appropriate formats of e-mail messages and memos. i Although the business world 1S qfi1l1(11l(ly S£«ll.T;tCIl:11

[1%’ to electronic communication chan-
t .t’ e inite unctions.
I Analyze the writing process and explain how it helps you produce efiective ‘ 11615′ paper based documen S Q 1 ave
internal messages. 0 Business letters. Writers prepare business letters on letterhead Sta1IlO1′ lE!1’Y..T1l:11S
0 Identify smart e-mail practices, including getting started; content, tone, and is the best channel whe_r1.alP€f11‘13fl€‘I‘t

F€‘_301′d 15 €Ce5§31TYa Vriheffil Co11f1d€T1t1:11tY
correctness; netiquette; reading and replying to e-mail; personal use; and other 1 15 1TT1PoT[311t= W113 53T151t1V1t}_’ and

fo1‘m311VY €115 535311113 2 311 W €11 V1111 nee ff)
practicea g make a persuasive, well-considered presentation. Chapterls 6, 7, and 8 cover vari-
t ‘ toda ‘s work ace.

0 Explain the pros and cons of instant messaging and how to use it professionally. 3 (ms business letters that you may vim 6

m. Y P _ 5 1 h. f f
O lnteroffice memos. Paper-based interoffice memos wete once He c 1e orm
Wme ‘f° a ° and pr°°9d ‘9 e’ma messages and m9m°5- of internal comrnunication. Today, employees use memos prttnarlly to

O Write requestand reply e-mail messages and memos. . E vey confidential information, emphasize ideas, deliver lengthy

documents, ‘or
E , lend importance to a message. Memos are espec1ally appropriate for explain-
ing organizational procedures or policies that become permanent guidelines.

Later in this chapter you will study various components in everyday interoffice
i5mU.;ToF;; seem. How organizations Exchange I» Communicating with ‘Electronic Messages
lnslructoi s Manual for M d I f t. A number of electronic communication channels enable businesspeople to exchange
the authors complete essages an n orrna ‘0″ information rapidly and efficiently. All of these new electronic channels display

lecture notes and teaching _ _ _ _ _ _ _ writing skills.
sLiggestiong_ People Working in organizations exchange information both externally and inter- _ – _ ‘ . . h d
nally. External messages go to customers, suppliers, other businesses, and gover1 1- ‘ E’l‘Tl3ll- E-mall IIIVOIVES Eh‘?

tfaf15TT11551011 Of 316353535 throug ComPuteF5 an
ment agencies. Internal messages go to fellow employees. These internal iriessages I1etWOrl<S- USCIS Can Sfifld mlissflges To

3 Smgle 1‘eC1P13m 015 br_03d‘335t th.er_n to
are increasing in number and importance because organizations are downsizing, I Ulultlplfi f€C1Pi€I1tS- Whfill II1€SS3g€S

31’1’1V3 111 3 Slmulafed m311boX» f3C_1P1€t5
flattening chains of command, forming work teams, and einpowering i:ank-and-file HY Wad: Print, fo.tWE11‘cl, store, or

delete them. E-rria1l is most’ap_propriate‘for
employees. Given more power in making decisions, employees find that they need §hoft IDESSHEES that d€11V€ TUUUHC requests

and IC5Po 53S- If ‘5 1T13PProI_ _at.e
more information. In today’s Workplace you will be expected to collect, evaluate, £0‘ 5€U51UV€i CoI1fld€11T131i 01′ 13-§5thY

doCUm€11t5- U5ed P1′of35510113HYi ‘e’m311 _1S 3
and exchange information in clgarly Writmll messages. powerful business tool. You will learn more about safe and smart e-mail

Paper-based messages Written messages fall into two main categories: paper-based and electronic. Paper- l 5h°rt1Y-
i°’d° *’5ie55 ‘Be 5 and based messages include business letters and memos. Electronic messages includfi , ‘ lflstant

messaging. More interactive than e-mail, instant messaging (IM) Ai3i=I’DPIrIatB_loI’ brie?
E::’eE::itI’°. i°tm:5sa9°5 e-mail, instant messagirlgi and text messaging. Electronic information may also be involves the

exchange of text messages in real time between two or more :’= °e ;’;ae9′i*:‘:-i’;‘* ‘:s t‘;_ and
Ins an
messaging’ te’ messaging, exchanged through podcasts, blogs, and wikis. Knowing what channel to use and PEOPIE l(_3gg_€d_

Wo an TM SE1V1C€- [M Cffiatffs E1 fCfU1_ l Of PI1V?it€ hchat lolflm more interactive than
podcastsg bhgs, and wiki5_ how to prepare an effective message can save you time, reduce stress, and make YOU 5° that

i11d1Vl-d U313 C2111 Cal-‘FY OH Co11Ve 53Uon3 511111131 1° 1? ep one Ca S‘ e-mail.
look professionay IM is especially useful for back-and-forth online conversations, such as a
93 Chapter 5: Electronic Messages and Memorandums 1 0113919′ 5: E’9Ctl’0iC Messages and M9m°T3″‘dm5