Readiness for and Resistance to Change

Researching in Business and Management
May 25, 2020
answering Q’s
May 25, 2020

Readiness for and Resistance to Change

To prepare for the Discussion, review the C-BAM resources and the Kegan and Lahey chapter. In addition, read at least two peer-reviewed articles that address readiness and resistance, beyond provided resources. Consider beginning your search for articles more specific to your education setting by reading some of the research of Senge (1990), Rogers (1962), and Schlechty (1993), or an article in your field that includes a reference(s) to the work of these scholars.

These resources should align more specifically with your type of organization and type of change project you are planning. Explore how you can recognize an individual’s readiness for change. Identify any strategies you could use  to help move resistant individuals toward change.

Post your response. Based upon your education setting, as a leader of change, develop a plan to capitalize on both readiness for and resistance to change related to the implementation of your change project. In your plan address the

following questions: How will you assess readiness and manage resistance

What strategies will your plan include to address the needs of resistant individuals involved in a change process?

How would you leverage the contributions of your innovators?

Cite Learning Resources in your response.