Assignment #3
Read the story Facebook Page? Or Exhibit A in Court? found on page 78 of your textbook.
Answer Question #1 on page 78. Compose a 1500 word essay, using the assignment
format that has been provided. Marks will be allotted for the development of your thesis
and proper use of English grammar.
You are encouraged to find references to similar cases that have occurred since the
book was published and derive additional appropriate insight to inform your discussion.
For example:
Things to Help You with the Essay
Assignment Format:
Each assignment will be a short essay in response to a topic question that I will
provide. Essays should be written in a clear and concise fashion, and follow consistently
APA format. Assignment marks will be calculated using the following scheme:
1. Format (style, organization) – 20%
2. Clarity – 20%
3. Content – 60%, to be determined as follows:
i. Information – 30%
ii. References/Support – 10% (Use the text and at least 3 additional
academic references).
iii. Cyber-Ethics Scope -20%