Read the following chapters/pages and answer the following questions.
1. Brown, H. D. 2010. Principles of Language assessment, pp. 25-51.
Consider what you read about the ‘principles of assessment.’ Then answer the following question: What are TWO (2) major considerations raised by the author regarding evaluation in the ESL classroom? How important is identifying the ‘critical questions’ for tests in the successful assessment of ESL students? Why are the notions of reliability andvalidity so important in assessment? Can you venture any insights as to some of the problems ESL students typically face with tests? What is ‘washback’ and why is it said to be so important (yet often overlooked)? Why are ‘objectives’ a fundamental consideration when constructing tests (p. 56-58)?
2. Villamil Tinajero, J & Hurley, S. R. 2001. Assessing progress in second-language acquisition, in Hurley & Villamil Tinajero, pp. 27-42.
What were two (2) major ideas that you identified in the chapter by Villamil and Hurley? Consider Figure 2.2 (p. 36). Go to either Maryland’s School Curriculum (Common Core) or TESOL K-12 Standards (links found at Course Information, see Assignments/ Activity Descriptions, or simply Google it) and selectone (1) standard (your choice) and briefly discuss the what and the how applicable to determine students’ progress in that standard. Explain how assessment of student’s second language acquisition can be integrated with instruction? Why would you say it is important that students develop native language literacy as they are acquiring English as a second language?
3. Flippo, R. F. 2014. Understanding standardized tests and quantitative data, pp. 15-40.
Identify what you think are some major points made by the author in this chapter (1-3?). Briefly discuss any apparent connection to what you have been reading in the main texts. How is the chapter content relevant to you own practice when teaching/assessing ELLs? How would you address/ apply what you have read in your own present/ future praxis? At the end of each chapter you will find a section titled Questions for reflection and response. Choose any two (2)questions from this section to address.
4. *Gottlieb, M. 2006. Standards and assessment, pp. 23-39.
Take time to write a reaction/ reflection to what the author says. What are some of the major concepts presented? Anything that was of particular interest to you? How so? What do you think about some of these ideas? Do you agree/ disagree with what the author states? Why? Elaborated briefly on your response. Could you identify any connections to what the authors in the other texts are saying? Any inferences or conclusions that you can draw based on your reading of this chapter?
5. Make a list of five (5) new terms you learned from your assigned readings. Write about two sentences defining each of these terms/ concepts.