Order Description
So far, we have discussed how technology (texting and network sites) have affected the way we communicate in modern life.Process:
Read the essay by The Dalai Lama, Modern Society and the Quest for Human Happiness
Summarize the essay to make sure you understand clearly the points in this text. Also, the questions from the book and the class discussions should help you understand this essay better.Assignment:
Answer the following question:
According to the Dalai Lama, how have urbanization and advances in technology affected modern life?
Based on the class discussion and the information from your notes, select different points that help you answer the question and elaborate a concrete outline.
To help support your answer, you may want to refer to the articles, We Never Talk Anymore, and Someone to Watch Over (on a Google Map).
Essay Requirements:
2-3 pages long
12-point font size, Times New Roman
Double Space, 1-inch margins
MLA Formatting
Works-Cited Page
Submit electronic copy on Blackboard