Range of mechanical properties for bone

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Range of mechanical properties for bone

1) Bones vary in mechanical properties. Where on the range of mechanical properties for bone do you think this bone would fall? Address at least elastic modulus, yield stress, and yield or ultimate strain.
2) What is a good cross-sectional shape for this bone? You should be as specific as you can be, but it is not necessary to be quantitative. That is, you should describe any relevant aspects of shape, symmetry, thickness, etc. that you think contribute in a meaningful way to cross-sectional area and moment of inertia. How should these be different from or similar to what you see in other bones in other animals?, You don’t need to give numeric values for these parameters. A few sentences, four at the most, should explain your choice.
3) What would the stress-strain curve for the bone look like? Again, be as specific as you can be. Try to put approximate values on the stress and strain axes based on what is known about bone as a material, or more accurately, a class of materials. Use four to six sentences maximum to explain how this curve relates to the features laid out in a) to e); fewer sentences is fine if you find you are especially concise.