General Instructions: For this assignment you will write a book report answering specific questions in detail, while incorporating theory and information from our text as well throughout your written presentation. Please note that you will be uploading your final document for grading (by your professor) and also to a discussion board for review by your peers, so that we can discuss this book as a class. Keep this in mind when writing your paper so as not to include any details you would not want the class to read. II. Suggestions on How to Best Proceed with Your Book Report: Read and Review book carefully (read thoroughly) taking pertinent notes paying special attention to details related to elements related to the assigned questions and the assignment rubric. Compose each portion of the paper: Introduction: write an introduction that clarifies the purpose and content of the paper. Overview: provide a brief overview of the book. Main Body of Paper: compose answers to the 10 questions you choose to address, being sure to thoroughly and substantively integrate course concepts, theories and ideas from our textbook that connect with answers to the questions you are addressing, utilizing proper in-text citations (APA style). Conclusion: write conclusion answering the mandatory questions to be included. Reference Page: create APA style reference page clarifying what sources you used in creating this paper. Review and Edit your paper and be sure you have substantive answers, have integrated course research and that your own voice is made clear as well. Also, be sure your paper is free of grammar/punctuation errors, flows well, is well organized and meets each criterion identified in the Assignment Rubric. I recommend leaving at least 7-10 days for review and changes. Double check all guidelines and Assignment Rubric and then submit for grading on or before the deadline. Again, note that you will need to keep a copy to upload to a discussion when the time comes as well. III. ADDITIONAL FORMATTING GUIDELINES: Paper must be from 7-10 pages (no more, no less). 12 font, double spaced and complete in Microsoft Word. Cite properly throughout your report. Be sure to write your responses in essay form and use proper APA format for citations and references. The proper APA citation for this book is: Medhus, E. (2001). Raising children who think for themselves. New York, New York: Atria Books. In text it would look like this: (Medhus, 2001) The appropriate citation for our textbook is: Berger, K. (2011). The developing person through the lifespan. (8th ed.). New York, New York: Worth Publishing. In text it would look like this: (Berger, 2011) Reminder: Cite frequently and properly throughout the paper! Assignment Rubric (400 points) (Additional 100pts. graded separately in a discussion) Provides intro including purpose and content of paper and brief overview of book. 40 Offers thorough discussion of each question and includes information from our text to back up thoughts, positions, and assertions. 100 Provides evidence of critical thinking is evident through examples from own life or the lives of others and integration of outside material and depth of discussion of material. 50 Answers questions in clear, substantive, concise manner (not overly wordy but also substantive). 50 Composes thoughtful and well-written conclusion that answers all necessary questions. 40 Offers well written, cohesive, organized and easy to follow. 40 Follows APA format is followed (format, citations, references) 40 Length from 7-10 pages (no more, no less). 12 font, double-spaced and completed in Microsoft Word. 40 QUESTIONS TO ANSWER NOTE: SELECT 10 QUESTIONS FROM THIS LIST of 20 TO RESPOND TO 1. What was the motivation behind this book? Can you relate to the reasons why the author wrote this book? Be specific. 2. Discuss the Five Essential qualities of Self Directed Children. Which do you see as most important and why? 3. What is the difference between Internal and External directed? Discuss the “Critical Crossroads, its significance and when it occurs?” 4. With regard to creating the proper family environment to foster Self-Directed thinking, name 3 behaviors parents can eliminate that promote Externally Direction. Discuss the one you find most damaging and why. Be specific with your reasoning and include support from our text where possible. 5. Discuss Repression and Domination as discussed in the book. What type of parenting might each correlate with in our text? 6. Of the six habits parents use to tell their children how to think, behave and feel, were any familiar to you (were they used on you growing up?)?If so, how did that impact you? Why do you think your parents chose to use those tactics on you?It is important to consider motivation. 7. How can parents encourage Introspection? Why is this important? 8. According to the author, when should you Praise/Reward your child and when should you not? What is her reasoning? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Be specific. 9. How can a parent de-rail unhealthy Internal Dialogue? Why is this an important task to do with children? 10. What is “Natural Intuition” and why do we need it? Are you able to employ your Natural Intuition? How do you think that impacts your daily life? 11. How can we teach children Empathy? Discuss the Empathy Triad. 12. What is “Benevolent Selfishness” and how is it different from “Selfishness?” 13. What is the difference between Punishment and Discipline? To be effective and not damaging with Discipline, “how” must Discipline be delivered and “what” should it encourage? 14. Discuss techniques that encourage Self-Direction. 15. How does the author recommend helping children handle real-world influence? 16. How does being “hurried” impact the development of reasoning skills? How can we provide time for internal direction? 17, How can we teach our children to value Inner influences over External Influences? Be specific. 18. How were you taught about sex when you were growing up? Did you find the method used helpful? What dos the author suggest as far as how to deal with the issue of sex? Do you think her suggestions are useful? Why or why not? Be specific. 19. The author offers over 100 pages of answer for parents regarding childrearing challenges. Pick and discuss your top five favorites. Explain why you find the information for each challenge you discuss particularly useful. 20. NOW GO BACK AND LOOK TO SEE WHERE YOU CAN INTEGRATE CONCEPTS, THEORIES AND INFORMATION FROM OUR TEXTBOOK INTO YOUR ANSWERS. BE SURE TO DO IT AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE, CITING PROPERLY EACH TIME! THIS IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE PAPER! SUMMARY CONCLUSION QUESTIONS – MUST ANSWER ALL NOTE: Every opinion is okay! I appreciate that you have your own mind and want you to voice your thoughts freely here! Did you find the book challenging to read? Were the concepts clear or unclear and did they make sense to you overall or not so much? Why or why not? Be specific. Were you familiar with the ideas presented in this book (have you read or experienced elsewhere?)? What was your experience like reading this book and writing this report?