Business Capstone 2
Industry Research Report Overview (
Race Cars)
The research report will require careful examination of the current structure and performance of the industry. Based on this research, there must be identification of a specific business opportunity that exists within the industry. More than one opportunity may be examined if they are complementary.
Please note, these are DISCUSSION POINTS ONLY to kick start your thinking. Do NOT simply answer each issue with short statements. I am looking for an in-depth analysis of the industry.
If you have questions or are unclear on the expectations for this assignment, contact me WELL in advance of the deadline.
The key to a strong industry report is a focus on the INDUSTRY itself and not on a proposed solution.
The second key is to provide meaningful analysis and not just report the facts or data
Summary Statement and Abstract
The summary focuses on the purpose and objectives of the research project
This section MUST provide a scope for the research project
Provide an overview of the project you are undertaking and the benefits it should provide an organization
Do NOT focus on your proposed solution
Situation Analysis
What are the key issues/challenges/opportunities facing the industry?
What are the underlying causes?
What are the KEY SUCCESS FACTORS in the industry
Are these stable or changing?
What are the drivers and rate of change in the industry
Industry Analysis
Industry Overview
Structure and Performance
Size of industry
Profit margins
Economic/Market structure
Seasonality (if any)
Sensitivity to economic cycles
This must include Porter’s Five Forces
Stage of Product/Industry Lifecycle
Environmental Analysis (PEST)
Recent (past) trends in the industry
Future Directions
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