Question about genotypic classes

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May 1, 2020
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May 1, 2020

Question about genotypic classes

1. A holandric trait is

a. carried on the X chromosome

b. expressed only in females

c. the result of a mutant autosomal gene

d. caused by a Y-linked gene

e. none of the above


2. An organism is diploid with an XXY sex chromosome complement. It would be a

a. male drosophila, male human being

b. male drosophila, female human being

c. female drosophila, female human being

d. female drosophila, male human being

e. inter sex drosophila, male human being


3. Traits expressed only in one sex are called

a. sex linked

b. sex limited

c. sex oriented

d. sex influenced

e. hemizygous


4. In the F2 generation, how many genotypic classes are possible from a trihybrid cross of heterozygotes in which the genes involved show complete dominance?

a. 2

b. 8

c. 16

d. 27

e. 64


5. For an autosomal dominant trait in humans, the phenotype

a. will be observed in every generation

b. will appear more frequently in men than in women

c. will be observed to skip generations

d. will be present only in homozygous individuals


6. In humans, recessive traits are expressed in

a. females only

b. in males only

c. every generation

d. a person with one recessive allele

e. a person with two recessive alleles


7. Human females are the______ sex

a. homogametic

b. hetero gametic

c. hemizygous

d. heterogenous

e. heterosexual


8. Individuals with Klinefelter’s Syndrome

a. lack a Y chromosome

b. have an extra Y chromosome

c. lack an X chromosome

d. have an extra X chromosome


9. For any gene with multiple alleles, a diploid organism may have a maximum of ______ alleles for that locus

a. 1

b. 2

c. 6

d. 10

e. 100


10. A (n)______ gene is masked by the genotype of a different, nonallelic gene

a. codominant

b. recessive

c. hypostatic

d. hemizygous

e. epistatic


11. A person who is known to have a particular genotype does not show the phenotype specified by the gene. This is an example of

a. incomplete dominance

b. epistasis

c. incomplete penetrance

d. phenotype switching


12. What was Mendel’s most important contribution to modern understanding of biology?

a. the concept of meiosis

b. the concept of chromosomes

c. the concept that hereditary information comes in discrete units

d. the concept that genes are linearly ordered along the chromosomes


13. Environmental factors do not appreciably influence the phenotype for any given genotype.

a. true

b. false