Question about biometry statistics

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Question about biometry statistics

Question: In 1997, the magazine Public Interest published an article entitled “IQ and economic success” in which can be found the following table relating IQ to earnings (data are from 1992).  What percentage of the population earns more than $36,000?  What percentage earns from $27,000 – $36,000?  What percentage earns from $20,000 – $27,000? What percentage earns from $12,400 – $20,000?  What percentage earns from $5000 – $12,400?  What percentage earns less than $5000?  (Note:  People with an IQ of 75 or less are typically institutionalized, so the last question is probably irrelevant, but answer it anyway.)  Einstein was said to have had an IQ that exceeded 160. What is the probability that someone would have an IQ that exceeds 160?  For measures of IQ, ? = 100 and ? = 15.                          











$36,000 and higher






$27,000 – $36,000






$20,000 – $27,000






$12,400 – $20,000



less than 75



$5,000 – $12,400