Market Mix Analysis
September 8, 2020
Escape from western diet
September 9, 2020

Query letter

Dear (The name of the agent),

I am seeking representation for my article, whose title is “Analysis of and Solutions for Workforce Issues in EMS Organizations”. The article examines the workforce problems that are likely to be faced by the EMS organizations and provides feasible solutions that would best solve the problems.

Most of the EMS employees are faced with limited opportunities to train as they progress with their jobs. The problem can be solved through implementing on-the-job training for the EMS practitioners to equip them with necessary skills. Due to insufficient staff members in the EMS agencies, the available workers are overworked. This poses a challenge of having an unbalanced lifestyle since there is little time for social interactions. The staff members should be increased, and team work encouraged. The EMS organizations are lacking adequate equipment such as vehicles, which slow down service delivery to patients by employees. The EMS practitioners are also demotivated by the little pay received, thus a hindrance to service delivery. The study suggests better pay packages for employees and provision of efficient equipment to improve service delivery.

The study has recommended theories that can guide the EMS organizations to get solutions to the problems faced. The Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory suggeststheory suggests that the organization provide good working conditions and motivation factors in order to provide job satisfaction to their employees. In addition, according to the Transformational Leadership theory, the leaders of the EMS organizations should focus on inspiring the employees and guiding their interests so that a common goal is achieved.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please let me know if there are further requirements that I am supposed to meet that will aid in my request to submit my article to your journal. Once accepted, I would be happy to send you my manuscript.

