Quality Manual Version 5.1 Business Ethics

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March 11, 2020

Quality Manual Version 5.1 Business Ethics

Quality Manual Version 5.1 Business Ethics

Assessment Weight and Title:  Interview and Report on Ethics.  20%
Submission Deadline:  5pm.  Sunday April 12 on BBlearn
Late submission results in losing grades. For every working day delay the maximum grade decreases by 5%, up to a maximum of 35% after a week. Also note, not following the formatting guidelines an additional 10% may be lost.
Name of the Course Teacher: Ross Smith
Name of the Course Moderator: Nikki Dancy
This Assessment and the related Marking Scheme have been pre-moderated and approved by the Course Team Leader/Academic Coordinator of the Business Department according to the following criteria
•    The learning outcomes are covered as indicated in the assessment strategy.
•    The questions are clearly constructed and at an appropriate academic level.
•    The possible marks for each question are clearly stated.
•    The amount of time for the exam is properly allocated.
•    The level of English language is clear and suitable for the course.
•    The marking scheme is clear and detailed
Student’s Score (%):
Academic Format
Reports/Essays submitted must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) the http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ . Formatting and language contribute exactly ten percentage points to the overall grade.
Warning to Students!
Students must submit their own works as assignments, and they cannot copy anybody’s ideas into their work as their own. Direct reference must be made for every paragraph, even if it is only a summary of ideas from somewhere else. By not directly referencing (or providing only non-specific references) a Student commits plagiarism, i.e. submitting somebody else’s work as his own, and faces the possibility of immediate dismissal from ADMC and from all other Colleges of HCT according to the Academic Honesty Policy of HCT. All assignments must be submitted via LMS, where they are tested by anti-plagiarism software, Safe Assign.
Declaration of the Student
At the moment of submission you confirm that this assignment is your original work, and you have referenced all sources of information according to APA Format. You also confirm that you had fully understood the tasks and assessment criteria before submitting this assignment.

Individual project: Interview and report on Ethics in the Workplace


You are to interview a manager, preferably of a relatively large company or Government department about Ethics in the Workplace. The interview should be for approx. 10 to 15 minutes.
You will need to prepare questions before the interview, and then write a report about the answers.
It is preferable that the interview be recorded, however you only need a sound recording (Video NOT required), which can simply be completed by using the Sound Recording function on your smart phone. Be sure to ask permission for the person being interviewed before recording. The recording is to assist you in writing up the report about the interview, and is NOT required for submission.

Project Timeline:

Week 6 – March 8 – Project announced.  Students identify a company and arrange interviews with respective company manager.

Week 7- March 15 – Students conduct research and write the questions they are to ask
–    Assistance given by Teacher where required. (But we will not write the questions)

Week 8 –March 22 – Students submit the questions on BBLearn for grading

Week 8 –March 22-  Students conduct the Interview.

Week 9  – April 12.    Students complete project

Week 10- April 19.   Project is summited. Deadline is 5pm, Wednesday April 22.

NOTE.  Penalties apply for late submission.

Submission is via BBLearn. Assignment 1.

Part 1.
Questions.  (You need to write what you will say BEFORE the interview.)  25% Mark.

(The questions must in Word format, and submitted via BBLearn on the required date, before the interview, and will be graded)

Required date is 5pm 25th March, 2015.              Penalties apply for late submission

1.    Introduction.   (2.5 marks)
a.    Name yourself, and ask the interviewee for his name and position.
b.    Outline the purpose of the interview, and ask if there are any questions.

2.    Ethics in the workplace.   (7.5 marks)
a.    Question on overall Ethics in the workplace.
b.    Question on Ethical Challenges faced. (An example?)
c.    Question regarding Code of Ethics, does the company have one, is it published?

Ethics in a department.
Choose two department to ask questions about.
Accounting, Human Resources, Customer Service, Sales and Marketing, or Logistics/Supply Chain.

3.    Ethics in a department 1.   (7.5 marks)
a.    Question on who the manager sees as the primary stakeholders of this department.
b.    Question asking what contemporary ethical issue or challenge might affect at least one of the stakeholders of this department.
c.    Question on what is the company doing to resolve/ address this ethical issue?

4.    Ethics in a department 2.  (7.5 marks)
a.    Question on who the manager sees as the primary stakeholders of this department.
b.    Question asking what contemporary ethical issue or challenge might affect at least one of the stakeholders of this department.
c.    Question on what is the company doing to resolve/ address this ethical issue?

5.    Thank the manager for his assistance and time

Part 2.   Report.    65% Mark.

1.    Cover Page.      (5 marks)
Cover page with students name, ID, Section, and topic of report, plus interviewee name and company.

2.    Introduction.   (5 marks)
Brief Introduction to report covering interview.

3.    Ethics in the workplace.   (15 marks)
a.    Question on overall Ethics in the workplace.
Write the question(s) you asked plus the answers, and any follow up questions and answers.
b.    Question on Ethical Challenges faced. (An example?)
Write the question(s) you asked plus the answers, and any follow up questions and answers
c.    Question regarding Code of Ethics, does the company have one, is it published?
Write the question(s) you asked plus the answers, and any follow up questions and answers
d.    Your comments on what was said, and how it fits with the theory taught.

Ethics in a department.
Choose two department to ask questions about.
Accounting, Human Resources, Customer Service, Sales and Marketing, or Logistics/Supply Chain.

4.    Ethics in a department 1.   (15 marks)
a.    Question on who the manager sees as the primary stakeholders of this department.
Write the question(s) you asked plus the answers, and any follow up questions and answers
b.    Question asking what contemporary ethical issue or challenge might affect at least one of the stakeholders of this department.
Write the question(s) you asked plus the answers, and any follow up questions and answers
c.    Question on what is the company doing to resolve/ address this ethical issue?
Write the question(s) you asked plus the answers, and any follow up questions and answers
d.    Your comments on what was said, and how it fits with the theory taught.
5.    Ethics in a department 2.  (15 marks)
a.    Question on who the manager sees as the primary stakeholders of this department.
Write the question(s) you asked plus the answers, and any follow up questions and answers
b.    Question asking what contemporary ethical issue or challenge might affect at least one of the stakeholders of this department.
Write the question(s) you asked plus the answers, and any follow up questions and answers
c.    Question on what is the company doing to resolve/ address this ethical issue?
Write the question(s) you asked plus the answers, and any follow up questions and answers
d.    Your comments on what was said, and how it fits with the theory taught.

6.    Conclusion.    (10 marks)
Describe what you have learnt from this assignment, and what you think about Ethics in a Business Situation. Apply this to a workplace situation and give examples
Minimum 200 words.

Academic Format       10 marks
Reports/Essays are to be submitted on BBLearn, through safe assign, typed using Word, and must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) format.   http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ .

Formatting, spelling, and language contribute exactly ten percentage points to the overall grade.

ASSESSMENT 2 (20%) MARKING CRITERIA   Part 1 Questions         25%

Evidence Required
Marks available
Not addressed or not submitted or incorrect    Almost no coverage     Some weak coverage but missing significant information    Not completely correct, and missing some important information or not original    Completely correct, own words, unique and high quality discussion and examples
Introduction.    Question 1
The company’s name, student name and ID, name and position of interviewee are clearly stated.

Introduction.    Question 2
Outline purpose of interview    1    0

Ethics in the workplace    a
One or more Questions on overall ethics in the workplace    2.5

Ethics in the workplace    b
One or more Questions on ethical challenges faced.
2.5    0

Ethics in the workplace    c
One or more Questions on Code of Ethics
2.5    0

Ethics in Department 1     a
One or more questions on primary stakeholders
2.5    0

Ethics in Department 1     b
One or more questions on contemporary ethical issue
2.5    0

Ethics in Department 1     c
One or more questions on how the company may resolve this
2.5    0

Ethics in Department 2     a
One or more questions on primary stakeholders
2.5    0

Ethics in Department 2     b
One or more questions on contemporary ethical issue
2.5    0

Ethics in Department 2     c
One or more questions on how the company may resolve this
2.5    0

ASSESSMENT 2 (20%) MARKING CRITERIA .     Report   75%

Evidence Required
Marks available
Not addressed or not submitted or incorrect    Almost no coverage of the answer    Some weak coverage of the answer and missing significant information    Not completely correct answer, and missing some important information or not original    Completely correct answer, own words, unique and high quality discussion and examples
Cover page
Complete, with all required information
5    0

Complete, with all required information    5    0

Ethics in the workplace     a
Complete coverage of questions and answers with comments    5    0

Ethics in the workplace     b
Complete coverage of questions and answers with follow up questions and comments
5    0

Ethics in the workplace     c
Complete coverage of questions and answers with follow up questions and comments
5    0

Ethics in the Department 1     a    primary stakeholders
Complete coverage of questions and answers with comments
3    0

Ethics in the Department 1    b    ethical issue
Complete coverage of questions and answers with follow up questions and comments
3    0

Ethics in the Department 1     c    resolution
Complete coverage of questions and answers with follow up questions and comments
3    0

Ethics in the Department 1     d     comments
Your comments on what was said and how it fits with theory
6    0    1.5    3    4.5    6

Evidence Required    Marks available
Not addressed or not submitted or incorrect    Almost no coverage of the answer    Some weak coverage of the answer and missing significant information    Not completely correct answer, and missing some important information or not original    Completely correct answer, own words, unique and high quality discussion and examples
Ethics in the Department 2     a    primary stakeholders
Complete coverage of questions and answers with comments
3    0

Ethics in the Department 2    b    ethical issue
Complete coverage of questions and answers with follow up questions and comments
3    0

Ethics in the Department 2     c    resolution
Complete coverage of questions and answers with follow up questions and comments
3    0

Ethics in the Department 2     d     comments
Your comments on what was said and how it fits with theory
6    0    1.5    3    4.5    6
Describe what you have learnt from assignment and Ethics in the Workplace
5    0    1    2    3    5
Apply your learning to work situation WITH examples of your own.
5    0    1    2    3    5

Academic Format       10 marks
Reports/Essays are to be submitted on BBLearn, through safe assign, typed using Word, and must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) format.   http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ .

Formatting, spelling, and language contribute exactly ten percentage points to the overall grade.

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