Quality improvement assignment: Hourly Rounds

ethical issue
May 21, 2020
Fraser Kirk v. David & Ors
May 21, 2020

Quality improvement assignment: Hourly Rounds

The purpose of this paper is to apply evidence based practice and current research findings to the leadership and

management issue of quality improvement.
Total Points 0 Your Points
Introduction 5 Points
Identify an ongoing quality improvement initiative on your clinical unit.
Organization 15 points
Summarize this initiative including why this particular issue was chosen, how the data is being collected and analyzed
Relevance to Practice 15 points
Discuss how the quality improvement initiative will affect health care practice on the unit

Literature review 25 points
Summarize at least two evidence based practice articles and two related research articles related to this quality

improvement imitative.

Implications for your practice 25 Points
Discuss application of evidence based practice and research finding to this quality improvement initiative.
Describe what you have learned in this analysis and how it might be useful to you.
Recommendations/Conclusion 10 Points
Based on your own perspective what recommendations would
you make on your unit related to this Quality Improvement