qualified rights in the European Convention on Human Rights

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qualified rights in the European Convention on Human Rights

qualified rights in the European Convention on Human Rights

Discuss the operation and effectiveness of qualified rights in the European Convention on Human Rights in protecting citizens from undue intrusion from the state.

Length: 2,500 words maximum

Submission date: Monday 4th August 2014 (Hand in at the student zone in Aldham Robarts)

Show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser’ Brian Clough Nottingham Forest manager 1976-1993

Sources Used in Your Coursework

Do not use solely Internet web sites. This is a university degree and we expect you to read academic work and case reports which in turn we expect you to use as

authoritative sources.
Under no circumstances use Wikipedia or A Level Law sources!!
*THE MARKS WILL BE GIVING ON €“ Indicates work that is substantially correct and shows an understanding of the basic principles involved in the subject. It will be

fluently written showing evidence of reading of primary and secondary sources. Discussion points may not be fully developed or articulated and there may be major

omissions. Lower second class degree work is of a good standard, but may lack the inventiveness or a broad coverage of the higher mark bands.