-Abortion: Persuade as to whether you are for or against
-Gay marriage: Persuade as to whether it should be legalized or not
-The Death Penalty: Persuade as to whether it should be allowed or not
-The issue of trying juveniles as adults: Persuade as to whether this practice should be allowed
-Should recycling be mandatory or not Persuade as to whether it should be allowed or not and why
-Should schools require student uniforms Persuade as to whether it should be allowed or not and why
-Should condoms be available in high school Persuade as to whether it should be allowed or not or why
-Should assisted suicide be permitted Persuade as to whether it should be allowed or not?
-Should the Internet be censored Persuade as to whether it should be allowed or not
-Should families of victims be allowed to decide the punishment of those who commit crimes? Persuade as to whether it should be allowed or not