professional issue in nursing practice
June 12, 2020
Ethics and Social Responsibility
June 12, 2020

Publication In Media Res

Length: 500-750 words; 3 to 5 paragraphs This project is modeled on the format of the online

publication In Media Res, seen here: . For this

project, you will choose a short visual or auditory text (video clip, commercial, photograph, song,

cartoon, piece of music, speech, etc.). It must be 3 minutes or less. It must not replicate

anything we have read or viewed for class. Explain it using one of the methods of theorizing work

suggested by John Budd in the article that has also been posted. He argues that work may be seen

from a variety of different perspectives, including the following: 1. Work as a Commodity (Marx) 2.

Occupational Citizenship (work/government – rights for workers) 3. Disutility (work=bad;

leisure=good) 4. Personal Fulfillment (psychological outcomes of work) 5. Social Relation (social

class, power) 6. Caring for Others (unpaid work mainly done by women)