Public Health Promotion Program Presentation
Order Description
Topic: Public Health Promotion Program Presentation
Title: Increasing Respiratory illnesses and breathing difficulties among male youths in Saudi Arabia despite growing awareness about their causes and implementation of preventive measures
You MUST use the attached documents/PDF for all needed information for your presentation.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that consists of approximately 10 slides with about 12 minutes of audio.
(Note: Audio must be included to present each of the 10 slides.)
Pretend that you are trying to pitch your newly designed public health promotion program to your internship organization (See SWOT / Organization Summary Doc.) to replace its old program that you have evaluated using a SWOT analysis.
Present to the board members of your internship organization (See SWOT / Organization Summary Doc.) the work you have completed so far, which includes:
• Needs assessment.
• SWOT analysis and organization summary.
• Design plan.
• Implementation plan.
• Evaluation plan.
(Note: All completed work are attached to this order)
Cite a minimum of three (3) resources using APA sixth edition style and formatting guidelines.
Remember that you are trying to convince the board members to adopt your public health promotion program.
Make sure that the information that you present is organized, professional, and appropriate to the audience.
Fertman, C. I. & Allensworth, D. D. (2010). Health promotion programs: From Theory to Practice. San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
Lee, R., & Hayter, M. (2014). The effect of a structured adolescent health summer programme: a quasiexperimental
International Nursing Review, 61(1), 64-72.
World Health Organization(2001). Evaluation in Health Promotion: Principles and Perspectives.
Copenhagen, DNK: WHO Regional Office for Europe
Bowen, D. J., Kinne, S., & Orlandi, M. (1995). School policy in COMMIT: A promising strategy to reduce
smoking by youth. Journal of School Health, 65(4), 140-144.
Botvin, G. J., & Eng, A. (1980). A comprehensive schoolâۥbased smoking prevention program. Journal
of School Health, 50(4), 209-213.
MacDonald G, Starr G, Schooley M, Yee SS, Klimowski K, Turner K. (2001). Introduction to Program
Evaluation for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services
Starr G, Rogers T, Schooley M, Porter S, Wiesen E, Jamison N. (2005). Key Outcome Indicators for
Evaluating Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services
Steckler A, Linnan L. (2002). Process Evaluation for Public Health Interventions and Research. San