soil testing
August 6, 2020
ASL interpretation strategies and expansion techniques
August 6, 2020

public education

ENG 102 Exploratory Writing Assignment
Purpose: Explore an educational issuelearn more about it. Students get an opportunity to contemplate multiple perspectives, entertain new ideas, and let thinking evolve (Ramage). In exploratory writing you raise questions to gain a deeper understanding of an issue.
Paper Requirements:
At least 5 pages in length (not including student/class information or visuals)
At least 6 secondary sources (cited in-text and on Works Cited page)
o At least one source must be an approved educational documentary film
o At least two sources must be journal articles from the library database
o At least one source must be a newspaper article or professional newspaper editorial from the library database
At least 1 primary source
At least 1 picture (not included in page count)
At least 1 graph, table, or figure (not included in page count)
MLA Style (double-spaced throughout; student info.; title; paginationname/page # in right corner; in-text citations; works cited page)
1 inch margins (all sides)
Size 12 font in Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman
Draft Due Date: Monday, March 18th at midnight via Canvas
Peer Feedback Due Date: Saturday, March 23rd at midnight via Canvas
Final Draft Due Date: Wednesday, March 27th at midnight via CanvasActivities for this Assignment:
Rhetoric and the Rhetorical Situation
Readings/Films on Education and Educational Issues
Choosing an Issue to Explore / Raising Questions
Exploratory Writing as a Genre
Sample Paper / Peer Feedback
Annotated Bibliography
The Research Process
Taking Notes Dialogical Journal
Finding / Evaluating Sources
Primary and Secondary Sources
Quoting, Paraphrasing & Summarizing
Graphs, Tables, and Figures
Documentation in MLA Style
Formatting an MLA Style Paper