Public Administration Essay Questions

Articles Review
June 23, 2020
June 23, 2020

Public Administration Essay Questions

Public Administration Essay Questions

You should write 1 page per essay question, try to write 5 paragraphs per question. Thank You
Note: You need to write in a cohesive and analytical way, where you can discuss the key concepts.

1. You are involved in a negotiation session with union representatives whom you know well. The session today was informal, with people addressing each other by their first names, with much bluntness about attributing personal motives to various proposals, and with considerable conflict over how many days should be allowed for  ‘’personal days off.’’ They day ends in deadlock and bitterness. That evening, as you reflect on the day’s events, you realize that:________________. Explain your plan for resolving this situation.( this questions is maybe chapter 10 or 9

2. The local government department that you head is going through several significant changes in a very short period of time. You are moving to a new location and at the same time embarking on some major new programs. All this is occurring in a year in which your staff has been substantially reduced by retirements and transfers and you are in the midst of hiring replacement personnel. It promises to be really difficult year, filled with change and uncertainty. You want to make things go as smoothly as possible for the staff. Explain how you would apply your leadership skills and power to successfully manage the situation.( Chapter 9) here you need to relate your answer with the leadership skills that are in the book(chapter 9), the same with power skills.

3. Explain in detail all of the elements of the Program Manager’s role in Financial Management.