Psychology Stroop effect paper
Part 1: Design
1. Design a stroop task that involves one factor interfering with another factor that you are trying to measure. (no snake stroop and no color stroop) And make sure your independent and dependent variables? Controls?
2. Make sure your instruction for the experimental and control conditions should be the same, the results change because of your manipulation.
3. Design your stimuli and run 8 participants in your study. Randomly select participants that accurately represent the population, Conduct your experiment.
4. Collect eight participants’ data.
Enter your data into the resampling applet, (WithinAndBetweenSubjectsReasmpling.jar)which will:
Use your data to theoretically duplicate your experiment
Calculate & store the mean difference between the two conditions in the theoretical experiment
Repeat above steps thousands of times
Plot a histogram of the expected distribution of results
Show percentage of time results did not support your hypothesis
Screen shot of your resampling data image and put in the last page of your paper.
5. Find other 2 literature sources. (exceptstroop 1935)
Part 2: Write your stroop effect paper
1. Sections:
1) Abstract
• What is the research topic?
• Only include pertinent information about the participants
• Describe IV and DV and how they were measures and manipulated
• State main hypothesis and summary the main findings
• General conclusion
2) Introduction
• Open with a general topic
? It starts off broad but becomes more and more specific
? Do not assume any specialized knowledge on your reader’s part; not necessarily a psychologist
? Define and explain the concept/issue/problem under investigation
? Why is important? Why did you run this experiment?
? Avoid using rhetorical questions/hypothetical situations and clichés in your opening paragraph
• Literature Review
? Make clear connections between previous research and present work
? The purpose of the literature review is to describe the past research that is relevant to the experiment that you conducted. Only include information that is necessary to make your point.
? You should present an original and coherent central argument that is supported by past research
? No quote
? Link articles together
• Closing
? Set up the stage for your study or experiment
? How is your study the next logical step in this research area?
? Include your hypothesis and rationale for each hypothesis. What do you expect to happen?
3) Methods
• Participants
? How many people participated? Men, women, or did not report their gender?
? Who are the participants?
• Design
? Provide detailed and concise description of the experimental design
? What were the independent variables and their levels? Describe theoretically and operationally
? What were the dependent variables? Describe theoretically and operationally
• Materials
? Describe materials, apparatuses, or stimuli
• Procedure
? Detailed info about what the experimenter did and what the participants did.
4) Results
• Present an objective description of your findings (No interpretations)
• Describe the statistics
? First, describe the sample (means)
? Next, state the confidence interval
Results Section Example (you can use this format)
“For participants, the mean reaction time in the _ (experimental/control condition) (M = sec) was greater than the mean reaction time in the __(experimental/control condition)_ (M = __sec). To determine whether the difference in reaction time between these two conditions was reliable, the data was resampled using the Java Bootstrapping Applet. This resulted in 10,000 reiterations of the data collected from the original 8 participants, and generated a 95% Confidence Interval (CI) between x.x and y.y (see Figure 1). Because 0 was/was not included in the CI, there is a 95% certainty that there is/is not a reliable difference between the mean reaction times for the two conditions, with participants taking significantly more time in the _ (condition with the greater mean) .”
5) Discussion
• Restate hypothesis/hypotheses (was it supported by the results?)
• Interpret results
? How do your findings add to the past literature?
? Do you findings support/refute past research?
? All discussion should be supported by results
• What are the implications of your findings?
? Applied and theoretical implications
? General conclusions
• What are some shortcomings of this study?
? Confounds/controls
? Explain how shortcomings could have affected the results
? Do not dwell on every flaw
• Possible future studies
6) References