Order Description
Literature Review PaperYour paper topic must be on a Psychology Topic.
Sections That Must Be Included in your Paper:Title Page
Statement of the problem
Rationale and Purpose of the study
Theoretical Background- it is based on a certain theory, if yes, explain
Specific Hypothesis/Hypotheses
Who are they (gender, age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status)?
How many participants were used?
Was it a random sample?
What was the population?
Overview of the research design
What are the factors/variables?
Where was the study conducted?
Measures and procedures
Describe what the procedure was and how the researchers collected the data.
What are the results?
What are the major findings?
Did the results prove or disconfirm the hypotheses?
Major strengths of the study/article.
Limitations/Weaknesses of the study- what are the shortcomings?
If you or the researchers had to do the experiment again what would you/they do differently?
How has this study impacted the field of Psychology?
What unanswered questions come to mind when reading this article?
Is there any social policy implications