Psychological Perspective of the book “The Noticer”

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Psychological Perspective of the book “The Noticer”

Psychological Perspective of the book “The Noticer”

Paper instructions:
Students will select ONE psychological perspective and relate it to the new common reader book, “The Noticer”.
Students will write a 3 to 4 page APA style review (plus separate title and reference pages).
a. Discuss one perspective with supportive scientific, theory-based evidence.
b. Explain how it is related to the common reader book.
c. Relate the psychological perspective to your own views.

** Detailed instructions and grading rubric uploaded in pdf titled Assignment 2 Instructions**

Books used for this course:
Title: The Noticer
Author: Andrews, Andy?
Edition: 2009?
ISBN 13: 978-0-7852-3232-2 ISBN 10: 0-7852-3232-X
MBS Direct SKU #: 1150908
Publisher: Thomas Nelson, Publishers

Title: Taking Sides: Psychology Issues
Author: Slife, Brent?
Edition: 18TH?
ISBN 13: 978-0-07-813961-1?
Publisher: Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc.