Psychological Measure-Beck Depression Inventory

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October 3, 2020

Psychological Measure-Beck Depression Inventory

The beck depression inventory is a measure that uses twenty-one questions to test if a person is depressed and if depressed, to what extent is the depression. Aaron T. Beck established the instrument, and it can be used on the young as well as the old.. The device is structured such that each of the twenty-one questions tackles a specific problem or symptom.     The primary purpose for the development of BDI was to observe psychiatric changes in patients in a health care setting. The device was also useful in detecting symptoms related to depression in patients under the primary care (Beck & Steer, 1979).

depression basing on the perceptions of the experiences he/she is going through. From the responses given by the person such as, if he is happy, sad, very sad et   cetera, one can judge that person’s mental condition (Beck & Steer, 1979).

It is possible to note the result of the test since every question has a number that represents each reaction/answer. The average result of all these questions gives the intensity of depression for that particular person. For instance, BDI-II the various stages of depression as 0-13 as minimal depression, 14-19 as the mild range, 20-28 as moderate, and 29-63 as severe form of depression. Before the use of the device, its performance was assessed using the former methods of measuring depression and found to be in line with the necessary steps taken in measuring depression (Andrews, 2010).

This instrument was made in such a way that, mild and even severe forms of depression can be measured with its use. Therefore, as much as the device requires trained professionals for its implementation, a regular person can do it. The difference comes where the patient is in primary care in whose case a qualified professional is required to handle the exercise.

However much this may be true, the use of the instrument requires trained staff.         The users can be classified into two: (a) persons trained to oversee its administration and its assessment and (b) those that give an interpretation of the results from the tests. Both groups should be well trained because dealing with mental health needs much professionalism. The American Psychological Association mandates that these individuals should be equipped with the necessary knowledge and expertise and training in particular backgrounds such as healthcare settings, ECD, career counseling among others (APA, 2000).

Beck Depression Inventory can be used in occupational, academic, or counseling settings since its interpretation and use is easy. The device takes a few minutes to complete, and its results have been known to be outstanding in all these areas. For instance, in a counseling setting, the counselor starts by administering the questions, which normally takes about five minutes. After the administration, the results of the test will then help in giving a useful counseling session. On the other hand, in occupational settings such as the primary care, the instrument has helped identify psychiatric problems such as rheumatism (Andrews 2010).


American Psychological Association (APA). (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV-TR. (4th Ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.

Andrews, L. W. (2010). Encyclopedia of depression. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood Press.

Beck, A. T., & Steer, R. A. (1979). Beck anxiety inventory. San Antonio [Tex.: Psychological Corp..

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