Psy Discussion Academic Essay

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Psy Discussion Academic Essay

Week 3 Discussion

Please write a summary (3-5 sentences) for each of the headings below and NUMBER your work and put a heading name next too EVERY number, just like you see below. Please feel free to look at your peers’ submissions to help you understand the topic, but please do YOUR OWN WORK. Please see the syllabus regarding PLAGIARISM. ANY evidence of PLAGIARISM or CHEATING will result in an F in the COURSE. So, please take your time and read the book and enjoy the process of summarizing your readings. PLEASE WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES AND WRITE COHERENTLY.

Please NUMBER your summaries and put a heading write after the number.

In each 3-5 sentence summary, make sure to describe:

WHAT did this group or individual DO that motivated them to begin thinking about human behavior ? Behavior can refer to anything people at that time THOUGHT, FELT, or DID:)
WHAT was the MAJOR contribution of this group or individual toward the understanding of human behavior.
HOW did this contribution change the way in which human behavior was perceived previously ?
For the headings in which the three points may not apply, please summarize the reading in 3-5 sentences WITHOUT a need to reference the three points IN RED above:)

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Posted on May 31, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions