Twain Essay: Pudd’nhead Wilson
By: Mark Twain
Written in 1890
Why Analyze this Book?
This book is important to analyze to really see what life was like in the 1800’s in the Americas.Twain accurately depicts how the African-American slave spoke at that time, and he was one of the first authors in the world to try and incorporate actual accents into a piece of literature.
This is an ongoing argument today in fields like child psychology, genetics, language structure, medicine, and many others.
You, must not ride the fence. In other words you must choose either nature or nurture for this essay. Therefore, be looking for examples of nature/nurture in Pudd’nhead Wilson and what qualities of each Tom exhibits when interacting with other characters, and in his own internal dialogue.
Make sure that you take a few sentences in introduction to explain WHO Tom is and WHAT his connection is to the nature/nurture argument.
Do please remember that the FOCUS of this paper is on TOM and PROVING, using the BOOK ONLY that his actions are a product of nature OR nurture!
Also, please keep in mind that book titles are placed in italics, and that once you have introduced Mark Twain in the introduction, you will refer to him as Twain from there on out.
Essay Topic
Your topic is as follows:Write a paper arguing that Tom’s actions/deeds in the book are due to either NATURE OR
In addressing this argument, please make sure that your focus stays on Tom as the point is to prove that his actions are a product of either nature or nurture.
Essay needs to be a minimum of 4 complete pages (Please realize that when I say complete pages, I mean complete. Do not assume that 2 lines of text on the fourth page will meet this requirement as it won’t) to 4.5 pages in length.
You will want to make sure you are using both in/direct quotations from the book for support which should be properly documented
Use the book as your evidence to prove your position; so, be looking for specific textual examples you can pull in to the essay to use to prove your stance of either nature or nurture!
This essay needs to be typed in MLA format, double-spaced and in Times New Roman, size 12 font.
This paper should resemble an argumentative paper, as you are taking a stance on this topic.
It should also contain a Works Cited page with the book listed (The Works Cited page is not included in the page requirement).
This essay should also have an audience paragraph listed/identified after the title. Make sure that you clearly identify your audience before beginning to write your paper (Please make sure you follow the brainstorming outlined in our notes regarding Audience so the audience does need to be specific).
This essay should incorporate ethos, pathos, and logos, and be an argumentative essay dealing with the topic given above.
It should also contain an argumentative thesis statement that is 1 sentence, which contains your topic, stance and reasons for that stance. The thesis should be part of a complete introduction.
The rebuttal section is NOT optional for this essay
And, of course, this essay will contain body paragraphs with specific examples (taken from Pudd’nhead Wilson) that will support your stance, as well as an introduction and conclusion. See our webpage Sample Argumentative Essay Outline in our lecture notes for more detail.
Also, please avoid the use of 1stperson when writing this essay; all essays this quarter should be written in either 2ndor 3rdperson.
In addition, please make sure your main focus is on arguing your position about Tom—NOT summarizing Pudd’nhead Wilson, as that is NOT the assignment.
Remember, when we say Tom, we are talking about the man who believes himself to be a rich white man, but really is the son of Roxy, and therefore a slave. (Please do not place Tom’s name in quotation marks).
This paper should not be a summary of the book, giving us a line-by-line description of what happens in it. Instead, you need to focus on convincing us that Tom’s actions are a product of nature OR nurture using specific and pertinent examples from the book.
Failure to follow any, or all, of the outlined requirements listed for this essay will result in a 0.0 for the essay.
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