Abu Dhabi is an upcoming economic zone of the world. The key to economic prosperity lies in the effective administration of law and order situations. This is because investors always invest in locations with a good law and order situation. There are various financial reasons behind this trend. Primarily a stable society ensures that market risk is minimized. Therefore the importance of police departments in ensuring the economic prosperity is integral. Therefore there is a need to understand the current training practices in Abu Dhabi Police Department. The training of officers lays the framework for future shape and performance of any department. Therefore in order to understand the future success and prospects of any department the logical strategy is to analyze the level and quality of its training. Therefore the study would understand and study the training procedures currently employed in Abu Dhabi Police Department. This would lay down a framework for many further studies which can study topic relating role of police with various other aspects of life in Abu Dhabi.
The study would mainly focus on providing recommendations for the Abu Dhabi Police Department. These recommendations would apply training techniques being adopted by international police departments. The introduction of an international approach in training young police officers would ensure that Abu Dhabi Police Department can be compared in quality with any police force around the world. This is the primary motivation behind this research. The analysis of different training techniques would also give an insight into the peculiar methods of training in this field as compared to other organizations.
Aim and ObjectivesAIM
The aim of this research is to analyze the different methods of training being used at Abu Dhabi Police Department in order to recommend ways of improving the methods of training. The effectiveness of these training methods would be the main criteria of assessment. The research will analyze all material made public by the department in order to asses if the training techniques being used are in line with current requirements.
The following are objectives of this research:
To Analyze current training techniques being used in Abu Dhabi Police Department
To Analyze if these training methods are fulfilling current needs of Police Department
The international best practices in police training would be studied
Assess implementation of these best practices in Abu Dhabi Police department Training
Compare and contrast to review if current techniques are effective
Literature Review
The modern police force of the twenty first century has to keep up with the trying times that have plagued this era. This day and age has seen one of the most violent and sometimes ingenious methods of carrying out crimes which demands more than a dayâ?‚??„?s work from the police officers who constantly try to be one step ahead of the criminals as illustrated by Barak (2000) where he highlights the different violent nature of the crimes across different countries of the world. This modern police officer has left the behind the traditional image that a police officer had of going after the criminal and he/she has shattered the belief of the police force to be people who only need physical strength and stamina Barak (2000). This has changed and this has not only happened in a specific country, no, this reality has hit the global front with a sound more alarming than a slammer door shutting. The police force of today has to deal with more intellectually challenging scenarios than ever before as the criminals themselves, get more tech savvy and sophisticated in their demeanor of committing crimes so explains Kratcoski&Das (2007, pp.257). They also highlight the importance of training and the need for proper techniques to be in place so that the police can be ever ready. The contrasting systems of the police forces around the worlds share common ground when it comes to training for the ultimate challenge of not only trailing and catching the criminals, but also preventing from such acts in the future and learning from the techniques of the criminals themselves. This is evident in the recruitment and selection of the officers in the first place where in some countries like Thailand, apart from the usual age, height, lack of criminal record etc., the candidates have to take a special examination to qualify for the force as Kratcoski&Das (2007, pp.6-14) explain. In other countries, (like in Cyprus) there are courses which have to be cleared on different aspects of police work and in South Africa, there are 8 proper developmental and leadership programs that the officers can enroll in for their training.
In order for the police to be ever-ready and on their toes to fight the ever seething crime rates in their communities, they have to be well trained, well groomed, disciplined and driven. This can occur when the officers receive proper training, young or old, they should never be afraid to learn as the lessons in crime and law are everywhere, whether at the crime scene, in the law books or even the interrogation room itself Bailey (1995, pp 441). Plus, the greater the sophistication or violence of the job, the advanced the level of training should be. Hereâ?‚??„?s where the communication skills training also comes in as the officers have to interact amongst themselves, the law offenders as well as the general public they serve. Thus, it is important that the officers be given enough communication skills training like conflict resolution, hostage negotiation methods as well as addressing/revealing the nature of the crime to the general public Arrigo & Shipley (2005, pp.359-363). This is regarded an important variable by Arrigo & Shipley (2005, pp.359-363) as who highlight the need for effective communication skills of the officers. This is not only emphasized by other authors as well, rather it is imperative as sometimes the police has to use force and under those circumstances it has the responsibility of staying within their jurisdiction and not unnecessarily harass the people. This would happen when the officers know their limits and boundaries and know that how they have to justify the force they use whilst wearing the uniform as to avoid unnecessary lawsuits Arrigo & Shipley (2005, pp.359-363).
Bailey (1995, pp.581) concludes that how the police departments have to have the necessary techniques of communication, field exercises and a clear outline of when to use the necessary force so that the police is better able to solve the crime with the help of the public. This concept is also advocated by Chaurasia (2003, pp.1-11) as he describes the changing role of the police from typical crime prevention to intelligence collection. Plus the training in the police training schools should highlight the modern day crime context and environment as well as the possible challenges and difficulties that might arise because of them Bailey (1995, pp 23-27). Moreover, the training should provide a clear cut communication and a guidelines and philosophy of the police force which should be instilled in every officer through vigorous simulation and classroom programs Chaurasia (2003, pp 41-44).
The modern day violence is indeed frightening and in order to deal with it, the police have to have every resource available to it as possible. Ziskin (2004, pp. 153-163) explains the nature of the violence that occurs in the 21st century is more volatile and can occur anywhere anytime. On the other hand, Chan (1997, pp.120-127) explains the evolving style of the training and culture of the police force in different countries where the police has to maintain a relationship with the community they serve in to get the maximum intelligence. In other words, even though they have the sophisticated gadgets and the training to trail, catch and prevent the criminals from carrying out crimes, the police force can only do so much; the community also has to be a part of their team. This is also advocated by Glenn (2003, pp. 20-22) and it is highlighted the need of maintain a community approach in the training methodology and everyday work so as to get the maximum resources mobilized for gathering Intel and catching felonious people and originations.
Police training is a vast subject which is variable according to the location, culture and tradition of the people it is being used on. Today, most of the training is done in Police Schools or Academies where there are adequate facilities like simulation programs, written tests, physical training with ammunition and tests (like firing ranges) with situational questions as well as a training in the understanding of the law which has to be enforced Chaurasia (2003).Furthermore, in these schools or special academies, the officers are trained to deal with stress with the help of different techniques like the Spouse Training Method as well as negotiating and combing the crime scene skills are acquired Chaurasia (2003).
Moreover it is very important that the police officers are trained to deal with the modern day criminals and their up-to-date gadgets Chaurasia (2003). The idea is to train the officers in the modern devices as well so that their work is made easier like the use of dragon search lights, night vision and thermal vision devices, finger-print tools and databases along with the different tools like the internet and modern day communication devices, so that the officers are at ease Chaurasia (2003).
MethodologyPhilosophical position
The positivist philosophical position usually believes in definite and precise answers. This is more appropriate in causal and correlation studies. As this is neither the philosophical position in this case study is interpretive. This is because a case study method is being used. The study would start from observing techniques being currently in Training schools. These observations would be translated into a pattern and thus a tentative hypothesis. This hypothesis would be inevitably translated into theory. There are many different strategies that can be used to analyze the area of this research. The study can follow an exploratory path. This however would not be an ideal choice for this study. This is because exploratory studies are usually used when no prior knowledge exists on a certain topic Yin (2003). Thus they create a base or groundwork for further studies. In this case however ample research has already been undertaken in the area of police training. Therefore exploratory method would not be suitable.
The other two choices for the research strategy are correlation study or causal study Yin (2003). The correlation study is used when the researcher wishes to analyze if two variables have a relationship among each other. The causal studies as the name suggest form a cause and effect relationship Yin (2003). According to our research objective there are no variables that need to be indentified or correlated. The best research strategy for this study is therefore a case study analysis. In agreement with the research objectives a case study method tries to study other organizations in order to implement learning Yin (2003). This would be an in depth contextual analysis of any organization similar in nature and function Yin (2003). The case study would be based on training techniques being used in Abu Dhabi police academy. The case would revolve around the effectiveness of the techniques as compared to international practices.
Research approach
A research usually carried out by using the approach of induction or deduction and in some rare cases a combination of both methods Sekram (2006). The process of deduction and induction are usually restricted to type of research strategy being used. The process of deduction is used when conducting research in areas where enough evidence and research is available Yin (2003). Moreover deduction is conclusive in nature Sekram (2006). That means that it is usually used to reach a conclusion. Therefore research approach of deduction is used in causal studies. This is the very reasons that hypothesis testing is referred to as deductive research. The inductive method of research on the other hand draws a logical general proposition based on observable facts Sekram (2006). This approach would therefore be used in conducting this research.
The following hypothesises have been formulated for this study:
H0: The training and development techniques being used are effective
H1: The training and development techniques are below international standards
The study uses a secondary research of the topic under research. The sample size is usually used when more than one organizations or people are part of the study Sekram (2006). In this case however there is just one organizations understudy so we can say that sample size will be just one. If on the other hand the topic of study was for example behaviour of police officers during training than a larger sample size would have been more relevant. Therefore the same size is just one as only the Abu Dhabi School would be analyzed. The level of access is an integral issue when conducting a research. This mostly depends on the subject of study. Some organizations and people do not allow interference and sharing of personal data. There could be many reasons for this strategy. Corporations for example are afraid of corporate espionage etc. Public organizations on the other hand keep information even more secretive. This is because some departments such as the police department cannot share information because of a threat of misuse. This was one of the major constraints when conducting research. The Abu Dhabi Police department denies access to critical information which was needed for this study. Therefore the main source information available is the one made public by the department over the years.
Research methods
As mentioned information about police departments is usually kept in secret and not shared. The research would therefore be primarily secondary in nature (Sekram, 2006). However the research also aims to conduct interviews with department officials in order to get a better understanding of training techniques. There are three main types of research available to any researcher. The choice in type of research once again depends on the research strategy. In correlation analysis the researcher usually has to establish a correlation between different variables Yin (2003). This is only possible in a quantitative research. A qualitative research is more appropriate for research strategies such as exploratory and case study method. Some case studies are mixed method because they for example lay out quantitative benchmarks etc. In this case however the research type is qualitative in nature. The secondary information taken would be mostly public information and therefore would not have any research based ethical issues (Sekram, 2006). The information generated from interview however would be totally confidential and only information allowed by the department would be shared. As the study is a case study type investigation therefore the researcher does not have need contrived settings (Sekram, 2006). This would mean that there is minimal interference in the study settings. For studies with minimal interference, the time scale is usually one-shot or cross sectional in nature. The data would be collected just once and then analyzed.
There is difference in police training in different regions of the world. The study would understand this difference and also conclude which police force is using the most effective training techniques. Moreover the training techniques of Abu Dhabi Police Department would be judged relative to international best practices in Police training. The understanding that different training techniques are required for different police departments. It depends on many factors which include social, legal and geographical. However it is also a fact that best practices of different regions can be adopted and adapted. The lack of primary information at this level would the main constraint in this research process. Therefore the research would try to use secondary data to keep the analysis authentic. The main focus however would be kept on identifying best practices in training and development. The different aspects of organizational behaviour would also be a key focus when we talk about training and development. This is because the organization must provide an environment of learning without which it is impossible to nurture training and development. Therefore the organizational environment should also be conducive to learning in order to implement training programs. There are many measures which could be taken to improve the motivation to training such as rewards and incentive programs. These programs should however be adopted and adapted according to strict requirement of the police department under study. Budget considerations are a very important factor in determining training techniques and methods. These considerations along with other identified during the course of this research would be analyzed and recommended.
Article name: Providing recommendations for the Abu Dhabi Police Department essay, research paper, dissertation
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