Proverbs are typically common sense sayings that are handed down from generation to

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July 13, 2020
Case Analysis – Strategic Management
July 13, 2020

Proverbs are typically common sense sayings that are handed down from generation to

generation.  You can think about them as common sense philosophies, or universal truths, if you wish.  One example of a proverb is The grass is always greener on the other side.   This proverb is generally interpreted to mean that we desire what we do not possess.  Or, to say it another way, we might rate items we do not own higher in desirability than items we already own.  Do not make the mistake of making a literal interpretation of a proverb.  For example, stating that people perceive their neighbor’s grass as greener than their own lawn.  The question for this first homework assignment is, How true is the proverb?   In order to determine the truth of a proverb, you are to devise a strategy that could be used to scientifically test it.  For example, to test the proverb stated above I might propose the following study:



Randomly select two groups of adolescents

Provide each adolescent with a questionnaire that requires them to rate the desirability of several popular items (several of which they own, others which they do not possess). 

Complete the investigation by calculating the mean ratings of items owned vs. ratings of items not owned. Com

If the proverb were true, it would be expected that the mean ratings of the items NOT owned would be HIGHER than the mean ratings of the items owned.  This finding would lend support to the grass is greener concept.

To complete this Homework #1 assignment, you will need to do the following:


Identify two proverbs. Do not use The grass is always greener.


For each proverb develop a study that could be conducted to test its veracity (truthfulness or accuracy).


For each of your studies, be sure to identify the following key elements:

a. State the proverb.  If you are not sure about the typical wording of the one you are thinking of, check a source (online or otherwise) to determine the correct wording.

  1. Identify whether or not the study you are proposing is correlational or experimental.
  2. Determine the research hypothesis being addressed.
  3. Identify the key elements of the study (For experimental research, identify the independent variable(s), dependent variable(s), control group, and experimental group.  For correlational research, be sure to operationally define your variables and describe your method of data collection.


Identify and address at least one shortcoming (difficulty) you would encounter if you were to actually conduct your study (You will not actually conduct it.).


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