Protection and Assistance in International Humanitarian Affairs
Order Description
Report Plan
Your formative plan can include:
– An outline of your chosen report focus and rationale.
– A plan outlining your proposed structure and how you will develop the core sections of your plan i.e. main points you aim to cover in each section.
– Draft section(s) of your plan with specific questions relating to areas of the plan where you require specific feedback for example, application of theory to real-
time response situations, level of analysis, explanation of relevant issues.
You are required to write a 4,000-word analytical report examining what are the challenges in implementing International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in
real-time humanitarian response situations? Examine this question by using a case study. You are required to use information from a range of sources including course
materials, readings, journals and grey literature such as, the websites and documents publicly available from humanitarian organisations and other reputable sources.
Your report should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law and the challenges of implementing them in a disaster
or conflict. The report should:
– Analyse the challenges of implementing IHL and HRL in a particular context/case
– Demonstrate an understanding of the differences between IHL and IHRL
– Provide a critical analysis of some of the contemporary challenges of applying IHL and IHRL to a humanitarian crises today/ or reflectively.
Your Analytical Report should be supported throughout by references (Harvard Referencing Style).
Word limit
The word limit of the report is 4,000 words. Your reference list at the end of your report, tables, figures, diagrams, maps and any appendices do not count into this
word limit. So, plan your report writing strategy carefully.
Tables, Diagrams, Maps and Figures
You can always include tables, maps, diagrams and figures to explain your key points and arguments in the report. Please remember that whenever you include tables,
maps, diagrams and figures in your essay, they are properly labelled and explained in the main text. This is a rule that apply to the appendices too.
here is the WeTransfer link to all files I would like you to use for my analytical research. Also, would you please share the case study that you will choose for the
report with me before starting to write? Download files from below link.