Should you become a forensic psychologist, you will continually be asked to evaluate others. Risk assessments, witness assessments, voir dire consultations, and competency evaluations are just a few examples of times you will be asked to offer a recommendation about another person.Therefore, it is important that you examine your own stereotypes, biases, and prejudices. This self-knowledge, paired with willingness to change, is essential for successful practice.For this short paper, you will examine your own history, thoughts, and feelings about other groups and individuals. Describe an experience you had where you let your biases influence your actions or decisions.What were the consequences? How did you feel? How do you think the other person felt? What stereotypical thinking are you likely to engage in? What prejudices do you carry?Fully explain your own stereotypes and prejudices, then explain how you will protect against having them influence the evaluations you engage in.