Financing Decisions
June 14, 2020
Campaign—Audience Profile Analysis
June 14, 2020

Prostitution In The US

Prostitution In The US

Choose a social issue. This can be something you are already interested in, something you would like to know more about, or any issue you choose. Then, in one of the acceptable formats, address ALL of the following issues: 1. Clearly identify the social issue in a manner appropriate to the format (see detailed instructions for each option). 2. Present the history of your chosen issue. When was this issue first identified? By whom? What social situations preceded it, if any (ex. Great Depression, Vietnam War, etc.)? What important historical or contemporary figures associated with this issue, if any? Be sure to back up your answers with research and citations. 3. Define what groups or individuals are affected by this issue. Are some groups or individuals more affected than others? Is this issue unique to the United States, or is it present in other societies? Explain. 4. What social problems are associated with this issue? Name and describe at least two problems, and propose potential solutions for each. Solutions do NOT have to be completely realistic, but they should be well explained/defined, and supported with precedent and/or facts where possible. 5. Are there two sides to this issue? If so, what are they and where do you stand? Is there one side that has more power/support than the other, and if so, why do you think this is the case? If there are not two sides to the issue, explain in detail (with support if possible) why you believe this to be the case. Step Two: Choose a Format. You may choose to present your findings in one of the following format styles: Option #1: Standard Research Paper Papers should be written in essay format (not numbered, bullet pointed, etc.) and should contain a clear introduction, statement of the issue, clear subject headings and a conclusion. Failure to include these elements will result in a loss of points. Be sure to address all required elements—if there is an element that you cannot find, be sure to state where you
looked and why you believe you couldn’t find it (remember—just because it’s not online doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!). Papers should be typed and double-spaced using no less than 1.5 but no more than 2.0 spacing, presented using 10-12 point type (preferably using Times, Arial, Calibri or Courier!), spell-checked and proofread (remember—spell-check won’t catch everything!!). You must provide both in-text citations (parenthetical, footnotes, endnotes) AND a complete
and formatted Works Cited page. You may use any research style (MLA, APA, ASA, etc.), but be consistent. Points will be
taken off for papers that do not use some sort of consistent citations with corresponding works cited entries, are not proofread or spellchecked, and/or do not meet the assignment requirements listed above. You will be required to submit a hard copy of this paper in class, and an electronic copy via SafeAssign on Blackboard. Failure to submit an electronic copy by the specified deadline (or at all) will result in a loss of 50 points from your final score, regardless of whether or not a hard copy was turned in on time. You will be provided with information on
SafeAssign submission in class. Submission will be considered complete when both the hard copy has been received and
the electronic copy posted to SafeAssign. Papers must be a minimum of five (5) pages long and include a title page and works cited page (works cited and title pages DO NOT count for your page total).

A Note on Sources and Citations You must use and document no less than five (5) sources for this paper and at least one source must be a printed (nonInternet) source. Acceptable sources for this paper include “legitimate” websites*, journals, magazines, newspapers, books (yes, books are allowed AND encouraged!), interviews, news broadcasts, podcasts, etc. All non-original
ideas/opinions must be cited in both your paper and a works cited page/bibliography. *NOTE: Wikipedia or any Wiki-relates sites may NOT be used as a source for this project. Also, please avoid using social media/networking sites (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc) and personal blogs as primary research sources. You may use Wikipedia as a starting point for your own research, but your paper should be supported by other sources.