Australian Corporations Law /Market Manipulation Case Study
June 17, 2020
RL Wolfe: Implementing Self-Directed Teams (HBS Case 4063)”
June 17, 2020

Proposal / plan

Proposal / plan

Order Description

Here is the requirements for the proposal


A Small company of 200 people with 20 branch offices. They are considering VoIP, video conferencing and streaming corporate produced health and safety videos.

They need recommendations for VoIP and VC equipment including justified suggestions for specific hardware, the protocols used and costs. An outline of relative benefits and issues of using VoIP should be included.

Recommendation for streaming hardware/protocols including the options available and their relative merits, encoding options and their relative merits and a recommendation as to the best codec to use.


Need a proposal for aims, outcomes/deliverables and plan

I don’t need sources or references just a simple plan/proposal maximum 2 papers and make it simple

Organise the document and the elements as the following :

(the header)






Solution of the problems:

