Proposal for an open textbook format on College Algebra course.

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August 7, 2020
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August 7, 2020

Proposal for an open textbook format on College Algebra course.

Here are the requirements.Checklist for the Research Study ReportThe following items must be included in each report Transmittal letter or memorandum, as appropriate (DONE)
Title page
Executive summary
Table of Contents
List of Figures (or List of Tables)
Page numbers (or letters, as appropriate) on each page except the transmittal letter and the title page.
Minimum two levels of headings and subheadings
Works Cited or Bibliography page, correctly formatted in MLA, APA or other citation format. Reports that do not correctly cite source or that do not follow a citation format will receive no higher than a grade of 70.
Minimum of three quotations or attributions documented, appropriately and correctly cited using the MLA, APA or other citation format. To avoid plagiarism, all uses of research information must be cited in the report, and all sources used (even if summarized in your own words) must be listed in the Works Cited or Bibliography page. See Appendix B in Markel!
A minimum of two graphic insertions (table, chart or diagram) that are relevant to the text.
A realistic conclusion that is supported by the data included in the report