PROPOSAL: Discuss the financial analysis and management for Petro China Co Ltd. Academic Essay

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PROPOSAL: Discuss the financial analysis and management for Petro China Co Ltd. Academic Essay

PROPOSAL: Discuss the financial analysis and management for Petro China Co Ltd.

The topic of the independent is to understand the financial analysis of Petrochina Company limited. The company had been established as a joint stock company in China under the Company law of People Republic of China (PRC). The company was establish as part of the restructure of China National Petroleum Corporation (PetroChina, 2015). It is largest producer and exporter of oil and gas. And the company is a leader position in the oil and gas industry of the PRC. The company is one of the largest in PRC in terms of revenue and is also one of the largest oil companies in the world. The company main activities are exploration, production, development, and sale of crude oil and natural gas. The company also engages in refining of crude oil, transmission of natural gas, selling natural gas, etc. (PetroChina, 2015).

The main research question that would be how the analysis and management of finances by the Petrochina Company does contribute to its success? In a highly competitive situation how the company managed and reduced the risk. Furthermore, how does company stable their leader position?

As said before Petrochina Company is one of the largest Oil and gas company in the world and is also a leader amongst the companies in China in terms of revenue generated. Recently, the oil and gas industry has been limited by the falling prices of oil. The fall in the price of oil has been contributed by stable demand of petroleum and increase in production of crude oil. In this respect the analysis of how a leader company in China which is a leader in the field in the country is managing its finances could show the direction that could improve to be helpful for other companies in this industry. And through the analysis the Petro China Co Ltd can help other peer company. Also it can offer some valuable strategy and some management method to business. And my projects are focus on the basic of the theory to analysis.

Firstly, SWOT analysis including strength, weakness, threat and opportunity. And PESTEL (political, economic, social, technology, environment, legal) and Porter’s five force. Through those theory to analysis and show whether the factor can influenced the operation of the whole company. For another aspect, stakeholder mapping also can be used to be Analysis Company. And in the different factor and situation, how does the Petro China Co Ltd deal with the issue. And how to adjust the strategy to deal.

For the finance analysis, the finance ratios are important index to analysis the company finance performance. Such as profit ratio, debt ratio. Through the date to analysis the advantage and drawback about the finance of company.

The time schedule for the research is given below. Before the deadline should meet the tutor about five times.

proposing a research and gather the date

6.11 meeting with tutor

6.12-6.15 finish the introduction

6.16-7.1 literature review

7.2 tutor meeting

7.2-7.8 analysis the date

7.9 tutor meeting

7.10-7.20 writing our the final draft

7.21 tutor meeting

7.22-7.26 reviewing the draft

Adjust the format and grammar.

tutor meeting

check mistake and prove them

8.6 completion of the project

PetroChina. (2015). Annual report. [Online]. Available at < > [Accessed 10 May 2016].
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Posted on May 21, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions