Property contract (law and ethics in business)
Order Description
First, Introduction is to summarize in one page the project content.
Part I- General Terms of the law
Introducing the law that govern a contract in specified area (when and where was enacted with its amendments if any). What is the aim of the law in
question and why it is needed? Who is affected by the law? (Category of people concerned by law)
A. Governing character of law
The main sections of law in question and its main provisions by focusing on what is considered as important to know along with the statement of each
provision and its explanation.
B. The reasons why should be enforced
The regulating power of the law and its enforcement. Distinguish the rights and duties provided, and in case of breaking law, what are the remedies?
C. Breaking law and Courts
In case of breaking law, what is court (in Kuwait) that can preside in any trial concerning the law-broken in question? How is the legal procedure
that should be taken in such matter?
NOTE : please use these sources it is a requirment and your own
website : Kuwait government Website ( “Kuwait labor Law”,“civil law” and “Law regulating the administrative system in the state”.
? Book: Chris Turner, Contrcat law, 2nd edition, Hodder Arnold, 2007.
? Academic Journal: Brian Bix, “Contract text , contract teaching”, Washington Law review, December 2013.