1.What is project knowledge management?
Why project knowledge management is important to project management?
2.What are the focuses of research on project knowledge management and their key findings in the last 5-10 years? (Your group may need to expand/limit your search subject to the number of articles you find).
3.Choose two tools or theories or frameworks etc that serve the same (or at least similar) purpose and describe in details how each of them works? You need to start with why your group selects these two and then move on to descriptions.
4.What are the criteria your group will use for the comparison and their definitions?
Compare the two tools/frameworks/theories you described in Section 3 against the above list of the criteria.
5.In reference to Section 3, what are the difficulties in applying the two discussed concepts/tools/methodologies to practice? And what your group suggests can be done to improve their applicability?
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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions