September 21, 2020
Invention and Organization
September 21, 2020

project futures

Topic: project futures

Order Description
Prepare a formal academic essay (word guide 2,000) that proposes solutions to (a selection of contemporary issue(s) raised in part 1, .. and/or the characteristics of a more successful project future. [Part 2]

The second assignment, for this module,will form 50% of the module grade and it should build on the first assignment, proposing recommendations of the issues that need to be addresses and the character of those solutions that will assist practicing project managers.
Mark scheme Breakdown for Assignment 2 Project Futures:
Content and sourced secondary literature: 20%
Application (perhaps utilising a case study) of theory in practice (How is PM process being applied or not, what are the efficacy of those techniques?): 30%
Critical evaluation/development of the argument (Has the student noted contradiction and proportional significance of the material to actual practice): 40%

Appropriate writing style, Harvard referencing: 10%