Project – CEO Brief (Graded)

Managerial Economics
June 10, 2020
Comparison Matrix Paper: Doctoral Identity
June 10, 2020

Project – CEO Brief (Graded)

Project – CEO Brief (Graded)

• Demonstrate an understanding of the key aspects of public relations practice
• Develop skills in critical analysis
• Develop ability to write concise prose in a professional context
Task (700 words):
Write a brief for your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) recommending the establishment of a public relations function within your organisation. The report could include, but not be limited to the following:
• a rationale for such a department
• the role of PR in the organisation (including how it is distinct from the marketing department),
• the stakeholders it should address,
• the tasks that it should undertake,
• whether it should also engage the expertise of other specialists on a needs basis, and
• what difference the PR team could make to the organisation.
Your organisation is to be one of the following:
• A new not-for-profit organisation that addresses the issue of South Australian families, through awareness campaigns, special events and fundraising;
• A small chain of bakeries around Adelaide, but headquarted in the city;
• The District Council of the Fleurieu Peninsula, promoting a recruitment drive to new business graduates for local tourism and hospitality companies.
The written report component should use the professional report style as explained and discussed during the course.
Referencing Style:
Harvard Referencing Style – a reference list and bibliography are required.
Marking criteria:
Students will be assessed on:
• Demonstrated understanding of the strengths and limitations of PR practice by applying critical analysis to the topic;
• Appropriateformatwhichissupportedbyconclusionsandrecommendations;
• Quality of written expression, including appropriate use of grammar, spelling, ?punctuation,argumentation and originality; and
• Evidence of broad and skillful research and the correct use of Harvard style referencing
Re-marking and re-submission of assignments may be permitted providing it is the first assignment in a course and it is a written assignment. See “Submissions and Return of assignments” below.