Project and Quality Management

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May 7, 2020
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May 7, 2020

Project and Quality Management

Project and Quality Management

Project Management

1- A project manager should not have other managerial responsibilities.’ Critically comment on this statement.

?Identify the topics
?Difference between PM and GM, project organisation
?Identify the theoretical framework
?Project complexity, matrix/functional/project structure, preferable characteristics of a PM
?Develop the argument
?For and against (it depends€¦)
?Make a conclusion
?One can make a conclusion based on the discussion above€¦

See attached Fills called L5 & T5 to help understand more


2- Explain why establishing a clear understanding of the scope of a project is important to its likely success. How can the priorities of the project be identified and what role does a Work Breakdown Structure play in structuring the project planning process?

See fills attached called 1- A case study of project and stakeholder management failures lessons learned, 2- L1, 3- MS_Project_2010_Practical_Notes, 4- T1(1) and PM_Q&A to help you understand more.
Quality Management

Identify the elements and basic principles of Total Quality Management. As part of your answer discuss why historically TQM implementations have not always been perceived as successful.

Using examples from your own experience or from those provided on the course discuss what could be done to improve the chances of a successful implementation.

Your answer should start with definition
Key elements of Total Quality Management and link those issues to why it is not successful.
You need to show actual apply of theories referring to case study.
See fills attached called: 1- Lecture 4 €“ Total Quality Management (SV),2- Reading 7 €“ TQM €“ an act of balance between contradictions,3- Reading 8 €“ TQM in services, and4-Tutorial 4 €“ Waterlander to help you understand more.
Using examples from the following industries, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the 7 Quality Tools in aiding the control of quality.

Industry 1 €“ The manufacture of aircraft engine components
Industry 2 €“ The operations of a regional airport
Industry 3 €“ The Surgical unit of a local hospital

You answer should start with definition and the key core principle.

List the tool and explain them and apply some of them to the each case.

See fills attached called: 1- Lecture 2 Assessing Quality[SV1], 2- Lecture 3 Problem Solving(SVAmended), 3- quality Tutorial 2, 4- reading 3 €“ problem solving quality tools, 5- Reading 4 €“ Application of TQM tools, and 6- reading 5 €“ Problem solving quality tools. Those will help you to understand more.