Topic(s) =
Dann, W., Cooper, S. and Pausch, R. (2012).Learning to Program with ALICE, (3rded.).New York, NY: Prentice Hall (customized for Pearson Publishing, Inc. ISBN-10: 0-13-212247-2.
You will also need: 1) Alice version 2.x, which you can by save on” href=””>download from the web site; and 2) Raptor, which can be downloaded via the link in the Course Room home page and in the Selected Bibliography section of this Syllabus. Note: Do not download ALICE 3.x as it does not coincide with our text with respect to some of the components and it is not backward compatible. Examples provided in the Course Room are in ALICE 2.x thus if you download ALICE 3.x you will not be able to read those files.)
Learning Objectives =
Readings =
Chapter 3 (in Alice): Programming: Putting Together the Pieces
Review Chapter 3 Power Point Presentation
Assignment(s) =
(1)Discussion Board Activity Post. Respond in 3-4 well researched short paragraphs.
(a) There are three basic structures in programming – sequence, selection, and loops. Discuss the use of each structure. As part of your discussion, include an example of each. Your example may be drawn from as every-day activity as opposed to a programming solution.
(b). Discuss how the use of a Storyboard can be an essential tool in the Program Development Process.
Support your view with evidence, explanations and credible references.
(2)Week 2 Homework Assignment:
(a) Create a FLOWCHART and a STORYBOARD of the following
Using Problem #6 on page 85, plan the logic necessary to move the dragon to and then around the blimp. To satisify the dragon’s curiosity, he needs to circle the blimp 3 times. You may use Microsoft Word® for your Storyboard and Microsoft PowerPoint® for your flowchart.
Pg 85 #6. Blimp and Dragon
Create a scene as shown below with a blimp (Vehicle) and a dragon (Medieval). In this
fantasy scene, the dragon has found a blimp and is curious. The dragon flies around the
blimp to check it out. Write a program to have the dragon move to the blimp and then
fly around it (lengthwise) three times.