Write a program by using C#(Visual studio 2010) to encrypt and decrypt files from your computer, give explanations to your code (Question by the lecturer).
– The explanation by lecturer is:
write a program code to:
1- Get files from anywhere from the computer with any format ( for ex: world, PDF, excel, access ,images, all the file types , etc ) .
2- encrypt this file (in AES type, or any type that you will find it the instructions paper ), and save it in a specific folder that chosen by the user.
3- decrypt the same file and save it in another different file as well (by the user).
4- the encrypted file must be the same as the original file .
Note :
– The operating system is Windows 7 .
– Program Language is C# (code must be simple) .
– We have a choice to select whether Console Application or windows application to do this assignment by C# , but anyway , I must write the code in an external paper, and explain the codes ” Encrypt, Decrypt and get files” clearly , and give it with the program to the lecturer, in order to get marks. The weight for this code + explanation is 50% from the total mark.
– I will upload the instructions paper.
– about the database , I think you don’t need to create a database because we just need to get files from the computer .
– please read the instruction that I attached it carefully , I think you will find all the answers that related to your question .
If you have any question , please send me at any time .
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Posted on May 11, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions