Home.W; 10-6 Salons and Teeth Whitening
September 28, 2020
Topic: Case Study Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional
September 28, 2020

Profile of Andy Warhol

Profile of Andy Warhol

Project description
this research paper asking you write about an artist as act of remembrance.Not only will this assignment ask you to become familiar with the popular

genre of profile writing, but it will also require to”get your feet wet” with research skills. Your profile should make use 5-7sources (no wiki, i

will attach some book and interview of Andy Warhol, you can choose to use what), conform to chicago style, and include an annotated bibliography.

Each source you use need to fill a research hygiene (file download link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/40w7v9).
Also title the assignment creatively
-how much do we learn about your subject? Do we learn both about them the person and his work
-clarity; consideration of reader;coherence and cohesion of sentence-level writing and ideas
-annotated bibliography containing varied sources
-Grammatical/syntactical correctness;proofreading;page numbers;creative title
-creativity; taking risk with the genre
-structure that supports the content and vice versa

the source i got: (you can use it or not, the essay need 5-7 sources and no wiki)
The philosophy of Andy Warhol: https://www.sendspace.com/file/4cepvh
Andy Warhol timeline: https://www.sendspace.com/file/5m6av0
Andy Warhol interview: https://www.sendspace.com/file/b6vv1e
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8sptsjCk18