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Products Academic Essay

Imagine that you’re a product analyst working in a consulting firm. Your job is to evaluate where various products are on the product life cycle curve. Pick three products with the following characteristics:

Product 1 has been around for more than 25 years with little change.

Product 2 was released relatively recently, in the last two or three years.

Product 3 was released very recently, in the last two or three months.

Write a paper that uses two additional resources other than your textbook and that addresses the following prompts:
Describe these products and the products’ target audiences.

Determine where each product is today in its product life cycle.

Explain the elements of the product life cycle you used to determine where each of your selected products was in the product life cycle.

Outline any ethical considerations the companies you are consulting for might face.

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Posted on May 26, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions