Production Report Academic Essay

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Production Report Academic Essay

The following data pertain to the Vesuvius Tile Company for July.
Work in process, July 1 (in units) 20000
Units started during July ?
Total units to account for 65000
Units completed and transferred out during July ?
Work in process, July 31 (in units) 15000
Total equivalent units: direct material 65000
Total equivalent units: conversion ?
Work in process, July 1: direct material 164400
Work in process, July 1: conversion ?
Costs incurred during July: direct material ?
Costs incurred during July: conversion 659400
Work in process, July 1: total cost 244200
Total costs incurred during July 1031250
Total costs to account for 1275450
Cost per equivalent unit: direct material 8.25
Cost per equivalent unit: conversion ?
Total cost per equivalent unit 21.45
Cost of goods completed and transfered out during July ?
Cost remaining in ending work-in-process inventory: direct material ?
Cost remaining in ending work-in-process inventory: conversion 79200
Total cost of July 31 work in process 202950

Additional Information:

Direct material is added at the beginning of the production process, and conversion activity occurs

uniformly throughout the process.

The company uses weighted-average process costing.
The July 1 work in process was 30 percent complete as to conversion.

The July 31 work in process was 40 percent complete as to conversion.

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Posted on May 26, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions