Product Development Project
Project description
Product Development Project
1. Your task is to develop a new food product or food package. The food product or package can be something that is currently on the market and recreate (put your own twist on the food) it could be in one or more of the following areas.
• Eating in (prepared meals, meal kits)
• Premium, gourmet, and exotic food
• Single-serve pre-made meals
• Food with texture, crispness, and crunch
• Food for kids
• Low-calorie, lactose-free, gluten-free, and/or low-fat
• Locally grown/organic/fair trade produce
• Functional foods (with added health benefits, e.g., with Omega-3 fatty acids, etc.)
• Beverages
• Snacks
2. Once you have thought of a new product idea, create a poster by using a power point slide. The presentation must include the following information: (Poster is worth 45 pts)
• Product name; must be descriptive (5pts)
• Product picture (5pts)
• Target market; include age ranges for example kids cereal 5 -10 years old (10pts)
• Description of the product, including package type (e.g., can, glass bottle, pouch in box) and serving size (e.g., single or multi-serve) (10pts)
• Ingredients, what is in your product (10 pts)
• Shelf-life; determine how long your product will last, for example sensitive product like yogurt 2 months refrigerated, dry foods 6 months, frozen one year. (5pts)